Sunday, November 27, 2011

Almost christmas

It's about another month, well actually a little less than a month, till christmas time. I am excited for christmas, but I'm even more excited for what happens after christmas. What happens, you might ask.

Study abroad for my journalism degree. Mega super dooper ecstatically excited. I leave on the third of January and come back on the 22nd. So it's just about a month. I hope I have a good time with everyone thats going. I'm a little nervous because I don't really know any of the people going on the trip that well, but nonetheless I'm going to have an AWESOME time.

School's been pretty cool lately. My journalism class is kind of a pain in the ass, but it's good experience. I've interviewed a lot of people, most recently a pole dance instructor, which was cool as shit. Then I took one of her classes and had a bad ass work out. My legs are so incredibly sore and I didn't even do that much. They have mad talent and muscles.

I'm in a sculpture class which is pretty interesting. It's a whole new aspect of art I haven't had to do before, but it's a fun challenge. We recently had to make something out of found art, so we did a Back River clean up and basically carried all of this nasty garbage out of a river. People throw the weirdest things into rivers. I managed to find the front of a dryer, the bottom of an office chair and my friend found a perfectly good sweater. Well not really, she washed it and then it looked brand spanking new.

I ended up making this:
Which was my verison of the world shoved in a fish bowl and then attached to the bottom of a bucket which was attached to the bottom of a lamp stand. Cool right? My professor was quite impressed. This is the kind of shit I get to do in class. Hells yes.

So anyway, schools been cool. I'm commuting next semester which I am actually really excited for because it means I get to sleep in my BIG bed instead of these tiny squeaky dorm room ones. I also have a lot more space to put all of my art shit out. That will be SO nice, especially since I won't have the obligation to clean it up asap.

merry christmas. soon.