Wednesday, August 24, 2011

NEW YEAR (almost)

I haven't written on here in AGES. But I'm getting ready to move back to campus on Sunday and it sparked the old blogger in me so I decided to get on here and do it!

They created a facebook group for residents that are staying in the same building as me, and after perusing it for hours last night I got a random friend invite (which I assumed was from the group) which I accepted. Then that person sent me a chat and it turns out she's my suite-mate, which means we share a bathroom with her and her roommate. We talked for a little while and she seems totally awesome so I can't even express to you how RELIEVED I am that I wont have horrible suite-mates puking in the bathroom at 3 o'clock in the morning, and yelling at one another like they are in a football field.

I've met a couple of other people on our floor, but mostly other people that are in the building as well and I'm getting gradually more excited to move in! I started packing last night, and I basically have most of it done besides my clothes which I'm waiting until the last minute to pack.

My schedule includes 3 art courses, 1 art history course and 1 journalism class. It is going to be awesome. I went on and all my professors seem equally as awesome so I'm really gettting hyped up for a good year. (Not that I want summer to be over).

The family went on vacation last week to this rental house near Berkley Spring, WV. It was pretty awesome. There was a community like that was about 50 feet away from the house that we got to swim in everyday, and Matt got to fish. There was also a hot tub on the deck, pool table and air hockey in the basement as well as a Wii system and Cable. So, needless to say we never got bored. It did rain a lot, but even so, there was so much to do inside that it was no problemo.

Anyway, getting geared up for the new semester! Ye-haw. Can't wait.  Good luck to everyone else that's getting ready for school too!

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