Tuesday, May 25, 2010

the tostada shell guy

fellow bloggers,
it isnt often that I go to work with a smile on my face and leave with one too. BUT today, as I walked into my new job at Baja Fresh I came with a smile because I had just had an awesome hour with Matt. Of course, it was INSANELY fucking busy. This was the first time I had worked when there was literally a line of more that 3 people. It was crazy, and I screwed up more than one order, but nonetheless I managed to pull through by smiling and "acting" clumsy. When 7.45 rolled around the corner this guy came in with a tyedye shirt and some shorts. I was serving a burrito but I decided it would probably be a good idea to go over and take his order first since it was taking a while. When I got over there he was looking at the menu and he glanced at me, looked back at the menu, did like a double take and then goes "your beautiful". My reaction was quite literally: "sorry? What??" and he was like "your beautiful". Now the hopeless romantic in me was like AWHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh =]]]]]]] and i had a HUGE smile on my face, I must have looked like a deranged idiot. He took his order and then asked if I had a pen. Do i have a pen? OF COURSE, i have a pen. So i handed him a pen, and he handed me his number. ^^ Laura got hit on, laura got hit on, laura got hit on! woooooo =]

Alright, so yes, this DID make my day. But don't get me wrong I'm not about to call him and set up a date obviously because I am already taken by matthew dearest, however it can still make my day. And it did. Really.

Consumers! Yes thats you. Listen up, if you think that someone behind a register or cooking in the kitchen, or sweeping, or serving you shitty food has a great laugh, great piercing, fantastic hair due, LET THEM KNOW. With out that little "your beautiful, heres my number" bit, my day would have been the same damn shit. Add a little spice, and it makes everything better.

Anyway thats my story of the day. Might post again later and FINALLY tell you all about my first porno experience which has yet to be blogged. my bad.

Meal of the day: Strawberry short cake, and a banana
Song of the day: Make my day by Waldeck

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Skydiving my butt off

I would like to say its official that summer has started, except for really its not. I have a week of school left, and two weeks until i actually graduate but i already feel that awesome summer sun vibe that makes you want to get out and do things. Matt has unearthed his pool, it looks like shit though tons of algae everywhere that makes the water as black as coke. He says it'll take about 2 weeks before its actually swim-able. I don't really mind waiting though, there's something about the anticipation before swimming that makes it all the better when you actually do get to have that first big jump into the pool.
After graduation which is on the 28th, my friends and I are all going to Ocean Ci-tay for "senior week". We are way out in the boondocks though, apparently far away from pretty much anyone else who is going. Honestly though, I am so excited to just have some hardcore chill time with my friends. Play some frisbee on the beach, go swimming, hang out and watch movies. I am really excited. We are staying in this small 2 couple condo that my friends mom owns. The original plan was to fit 8 people in it, which is twice the occupancy. But my boyfriend bailed, and so did another couple...so now its down to my two gay friends, and one straight couple and me. Oddly enough, I'm not going to feel like the 5th wheel or the oddball, mostly because I simply refuse to be left alone, (I'm a pretty dependent person...would much prefer a group of people over being by myself). The condo is really close to this place called Dummsers (not sure in spelling it right) but its mega famous for its ice cream. FYI, Ice cream = my vice. I could literally live off cereal and ice cream for probably the rest of my life and die happily. I know that sounds like an over exaggeration, but its not xP I really LOVE ice cream and cereal. Especially cinnamon toast crunch and raisin nut bran. mmmmhm.
I played my first match of horseshoes over the weekend. That shit is so much harder than it looks. Your essentially throwing this 2 pound metal circle-ish thing onto a rod. Its a difficult task to succeed at, but its so much fun to try. You have to kind of hurl it, like in bowling, but not with the little shuffle that comes with bowling a bowling ball. Instead its more of a launch.
Well, nonetheless frisbee remains my favorite summer sport no matter how much I suck at it, I love to play. My friends and I have been going out to the fields during enrichment lately and playing. A couple of weeks ago my one and only frisbee got mercilessly tossed on top of a caved in green house. My initial reaction was "dammmmnnn it esli!!" (esli = the thrower). But then the next day we went out for a water balloon fight and *poof* there was my frisbee laying in the field. Kinda weird how stuff like that happens. But I love it when it does, makes your day a little better.
This whole working two jobs thing is total bullshit. The manager at Baja thinks im "really committed" which I'm really not. I kind of want to go ahead and give him my two weeks notice because i simply don't enjoy handing people burritos and mopping the [very slippery] floor. It kind of funny actually...since the kitchen gets really greasy they have these rubber floors, and all the burrito grease starts to build up on it by the time closing comes around. Whenever I go back there to pack up the salsa bar my shoes automatically start slidding. The other day I couldn't even push open a door (my hands were full) because whenever I went to push on it with my back my feet would just start sliding. I only managed to open it an inch before I realized I would have to go at it with a running start and just kind of body slam the door open. Thank god none of the kitchen guys saw that xP They're already having a blast making fun of the new girl who doesn't know the difference between a fajita and taco. Can I quit? Poll: When is it too soon to quit a job after being hired? Would they want the shirt back? How bout the visor? (Yes, i wear a visor).
summer bitches. I'm going to montreal and skydiving my butt off.

Meal of the day: cinnamon toast crunch
Song of the day: orange sky by alexi murdoch

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Exciting news everyone! After snatching an application to Baja Fresh yesterday I decided to pop out of school a little early and drop it off before work. The guy barely read it and then went "When can you start?"
I am so excited to be making people burritos! I'm not even going to be making them but I'll be able to say "Hi! How ARE you?!!?" to people and really mean it, and I really can't wait. I can finally be that person who makes the day a little bit better just because they weren't some slug standing behind a cashier (not that I think I won't have days where I'm a slug, because I totally will....like days when I'm living off of rice cakes, still vegetarian, and the smell of grilled chicken is wafting in my general direction). I'm very happy to finally be working with people my own age and doing something other than sitting on my ass for two hours. YES!
Must buy black pants and black shoes. *mental note*
It is my sister's 21st birthday today. We had a super dank dinner, and enjoyed some Mikes Hard. It was fun, she's not exactly a party animal or anything so she's not going out, but her boyfriend came over and I think that's really what she was looking forward to. Well, that and the german chocolate cake my mom made.
Anyway, I'm quite tired at the moment and I've gotta call Matt back so I'll have to write about my first baja experience after thursday! CANT WAIT.

Meal of the day: Ceasar Salad with german chocolate cake
Song of the day: Play nice by the Apathy Eulogy