Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Exciting news everyone! After snatching an application to Baja Fresh yesterday I decided to pop out of school a little early and drop it off before work. The guy barely read it and then went "When can you start?"
I am so excited to be making people burritos! I'm not even going to be making them but I'll be able to say "Hi! How ARE you?!!?" to people and really mean it, and I really can't wait. I can finally be that person who makes the day a little bit better just because they weren't some slug standing behind a cashier (not that I think I won't have days where I'm a slug, because I totally will....like days when I'm living off of rice cakes, still vegetarian, and the smell of grilled chicken is wafting in my general direction). I'm very happy to finally be working with people my own age and doing something other than sitting on my ass for two hours. YES!
Must buy black pants and black shoes. *mental note*
It is my sister's 21st birthday today. We had a super dank dinner, and enjoyed some Mikes Hard. It was fun, she's not exactly a party animal or anything so she's not going out, but her boyfriend came over and I think that's really what she was looking forward to. Well, that and the german chocolate cake my mom made.
Anyway, I'm quite tired at the moment and I've gotta call Matt back so I'll have to write about my first baja experience after thursday! CANT WAIT.

Meal of the day: Ceasar Salad with german chocolate cake
Song of the day: Play nice by the Apathy Eulogy

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