Thursday, April 29, 2010


So, I'm listening to french music right now.
It's funny because I can't understand a single word the artist is saying and yet I still connect with it. Don't you love songs like that?
It's very calm and peaceful. Then of course Barenaked Ladies has to come on next in the shuffle and it gets very "fun".

Tonight was the Art-show at my school. I didn't have my own wall or anything but I had helped everyone mat their photos and in some cases, tape them up (or hot glue..depending on the situation). I was on the "take down" committee, but when I finally arrived an hour and forty five minutes late I couldn't stand to be in my school cafeteria any longer than I needed to, so I left within 15 minutes. I feel like shit anyway because I downed a peanut butter sandwich.
Lately my friends have ALL been on diets, and its driving me bonkers because it makes me feel like I eat even worse than usual when really I eat very healthily. However, when I have a friend who's living off of unflavored rice cakes and salad while I'm eating a banana, kashi bar, apple and pineapple, I suddenly feel like I'm obese. What the hell is wrong with this situation?
I'll tell you. What's wrong is that I have this crazy super glue stuck notion in my head that I have to be 110 pounds, look something like Natalie Portman and live off of grapes. What else is wrong with this idea? Well first off, I have hips "made for child bearing" as my darling mother likes to put it, and I like food. I don't LOVE food (okay, maybe indian food and tofu, but everyone has their vices), I just enjoy tasting different things and experimenting. After all, eating apple after apple and banana after banana gets a little tiring and I start to crave the dreaded "carbs" peanut butter sandwiches. I know that I'm going to feel like shit for eating it after, but while I eat it everything is just nice and dandy. Food, you sly thing you, stop screwing with my mind.
Anyway, I just need to find a new delicious low calorie low everything food. Any ideas?

Meal of the day: Apple, peanut butter sandwich
Song of the day: Monsieur Marcel by Renan Luce

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