Tuesday, April 20, 2010

the Akbar Adventure

On saturday my friends and I decided to trek into Baltimore on a sort of spontaneous whim for indian food. Even though there's a pretty delectable Indian restaurant 20 minutes from home we simple HAD to go into the city and have the real experience. So, we carpooled our way into Baltimore. That part was easy, thank god my bestie Sarah was around because she has ridiculous GPS skills engraved in her head and can make it around almost anywhere after being there once. So, after some how navigating our way onto St.Paul's street we drove past our destination in search of a parking spot. Finding parking in Baltimore, on a Saturday night near the local stores and what not is near impossible..However, we did manage to find a spot a couple of blocks away and after parking and scrounging around for quarters to slide into the meter we discovered that we had NO IDEA how to actually work a parking meter. I know it sounds incredibly stupid, and thats because it is. When we first turned the little knobish thing a little yellow flag popped up that read "VIOLATION". We were really dumbfounded because all we had done was insert one quarter...this ominous bright yellow flag made it seem as if we had taken a baseball bat to its stand. Seeing the hatred of this parking spot, we got back in our cars and tried to relocate.....
Eventually Sarah was able to parallel park in a spot that was about 6 windy shaded blocks from the restaurant. It was at this parking spot that we figured out how to actually work a meter; You have to turn the knob twice! Then the needle goes up to tell you how much time you have (thank you alex, love). We laughed pretty hard once we realized how stupid it was we didn't understand it the first time.
When we got to the restaurant we ordered ourselves thee best meal ever which ended up costing 50 bucks for three people =] None of us cared though, it was delicious and I would go back and eat the same again..Maybe even more.
Our adventure back home was equally as ridiculous mostly because Alex went "Don't you need to be exiting there??" whilst we drove past the exit and out of adrenaline Sarah tried to make the exit last minute only to be furiously honked at by a white land rover (sorry). Nonetheless Sarah's dramatic rampage about how you "never tell the person they're supposed to exit when they are passing the exit!! stupid!" or something along those lines made the near-accident worth it.

Meal of the Day: Palak Paneer with Garlic Naan
Song of the Day: Le Diner by Benabar

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