Saturday, June 19, 2010

its been a long long while.

So, I haven't blogged in ages. I have no real valid excuse, mostly I just haven't had inspiration to write.
The trip to the beach with my friends ended up not being quite as much fun as I had imagined. It seemed that all everyone wanted to do was swim, lay around the condo, sleep, eat, and drink. I have no problem with those thing except for that we were at the friend hates the sand, so we only went to the beach once or twice which kinda sucked. My boyfriend had to stay home to work, so whenever I talked to him on the phone he had all these great ideas of things to go and do, but then no one would want to go with me, and how much fun is bumper cars when you have no friend to especially gang up on? I mean dont get me wrong, I had some great night with all my buddies and what not, I just started missing home and actually having a bed to sleep on and some real food. So came home, hung out with everyone that couldn't go down there, made me so much happier.
I was sposed to go to this Gay Pride festival in Baltimore today with my two darling gay buddies, but all of my friends got jumbled up, I missed the train and so now I have no one to go down with and walking the streets of baltimore by myself = bad idea. Not because its a city so much, but because I have horrible navigation skills..really horrible. Maybe the night will pick up, after all it is only 7.21, who knows what would happen by 8
I promise to write a more interesting post soon, well as soon as something interesting happens.

Meal of the day: Oatmeal with a Pear and Rye toast
Song of the day: Ive seen better days by Sublime

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