Thursday, April 29, 2010


So, I'm listening to french music right now.
It's funny because I can't understand a single word the artist is saying and yet I still connect with it. Don't you love songs like that?
It's very calm and peaceful. Then of course Barenaked Ladies has to come on next in the shuffle and it gets very "fun".

Tonight was the Art-show at my school. I didn't have my own wall or anything but I had helped everyone mat their photos and in some cases, tape them up (or hot glue..depending on the situation). I was on the "take down" committee, but when I finally arrived an hour and forty five minutes late I couldn't stand to be in my school cafeteria any longer than I needed to, so I left within 15 minutes. I feel like shit anyway because I downed a peanut butter sandwich.
Lately my friends have ALL been on diets, and its driving me bonkers because it makes me feel like I eat even worse than usual when really I eat very healthily. However, when I have a friend who's living off of unflavored rice cakes and salad while I'm eating a banana, kashi bar, apple and pineapple, I suddenly feel like I'm obese. What the hell is wrong with this situation?
I'll tell you. What's wrong is that I have this crazy super glue stuck notion in my head that I have to be 110 pounds, look something like Natalie Portman and live off of grapes. What else is wrong with this idea? Well first off, I have hips "made for child bearing" as my darling mother likes to put it, and I like food. I don't LOVE food (okay, maybe indian food and tofu, but everyone has their vices), I just enjoy tasting different things and experimenting. After all, eating apple after apple and banana after banana gets a little tiring and I start to crave the dreaded "carbs" peanut butter sandwiches. I know that I'm going to feel like shit for eating it after, but while I eat it everything is just nice and dandy. Food, you sly thing you, stop screwing with my mind.
Anyway, I just need to find a new delicious low calorie low everything food. Any ideas?

Meal of the day: Apple, peanut butter sandwich
Song of the day: Monsieur Marcel by Renan Luce

Sunday, April 25, 2010


It makes me so incredibly sad when you say "I don't remember". You have no idea how hard it is for me to accept that you forgot what you told me. My heart aches because the night before it had been so happy. The idea of someone caring so much about me again seems so real when ever you talk, but you never remember what you say. I am sorry for trying so hard not to fall in love with you.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

the Akbar Adventure

On saturday my friends and I decided to trek into Baltimore on a sort of spontaneous whim for indian food. Even though there's a pretty delectable Indian restaurant 20 minutes from home we simple HAD to go into the city and have the real experience. So, we carpooled our way into Baltimore. That part was easy, thank god my bestie Sarah was around because she has ridiculous GPS skills engraved in her head and can make it around almost anywhere after being there once. So, after some how navigating our way onto St.Paul's street we drove past our destination in search of a parking spot. Finding parking in Baltimore, on a Saturday night near the local stores and what not is near impossible..However, we did manage to find a spot a couple of blocks away and after parking and scrounging around for quarters to slide into the meter we discovered that we had NO IDEA how to actually work a parking meter. I know it sounds incredibly stupid, and thats because it is. When we first turned the little knobish thing a little yellow flag popped up that read "VIOLATION". We were really dumbfounded because all we had done was insert one quarter...this ominous bright yellow flag made it seem as if we had taken a baseball bat to its stand. Seeing the hatred of this parking spot, we got back in our cars and tried to relocate.....
Eventually Sarah was able to parallel park in a spot that was about 6 windy shaded blocks from the restaurant. It was at this parking spot that we figured out how to actually work a meter; You have to turn the knob twice! Then the needle goes up to tell you how much time you have (thank you alex, love). We laughed pretty hard once we realized how stupid it was we didn't understand it the first time.
When we got to the restaurant we ordered ourselves thee best meal ever which ended up costing 50 bucks for three people =] None of us cared though, it was delicious and I would go back and eat the same again..Maybe even more.
Our adventure back home was equally as ridiculous mostly because Alex went "Don't you need to be exiting there??" whilst we drove past the exit and out of adrenaline Sarah tried to make the exit last minute only to be furiously honked at by a white land rover (sorry). Nonetheless Sarah's dramatic rampage about how you "never tell the person they're supposed to exit when they are passing the exit!! stupid!" or something along those lines made the near-accident worth it.

Meal of the Day: Palak Paneer with Garlic Naan
Song of the Day: Le Diner by Benabar

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sunday, Easter Sunday

Well, went to church this morning and sat in the back row...or pew rather, with my sister. Everything was nice and church-ish until this mom and her two 6 ish year old daughters sat in front of us. They started to color, mess with mommy's bag, drop papers on the floor, and just kept on being children in general. I ended up not listening to the service at all but trying not to laugh my butt of whenever the one little girl turned around and stared at my feet. I don't know why I found it so hilarious, but I felt really judged by this six year old, so maybe it was my way of laughing off judgement, but I could not contain myself. I ended up making her laugh too, so the two back pews became a zone of laughter. Why everyone else is shouting "JESUS HAS RISEN!" I'm looking at my sister going "Why is she staring at me? hahahahahhahah our shoes? they are shiny...." I didn't learn anything, zippo, zilch.
Afterwards the fam went to California Pizza Kitchen where I devoured a wild mushroom pizza which was incredibly delicious. My parents had salad, and we had had croissants strawberries and cereal for breakfast so I am feeling extremely bloated after lunch. My parents asked me if I wanted to go and take a tour of Towson University (which is most likely where I will be next year) so I said "sure" and we went and walked around campus for about a half an hour. There were lots of extremely skinny girls laying in the grass with bathing suits on tanning, along with "jock" ish looking guys chillin in chairs (ultimately watching the girls tan). SO after eating a pizza, I, with my already incredibly low self esteem, feel like shit (pardon my french). We leave to go home so I decide I'm going to go biking.
I leave my bike at a friends house for storage cause she lives right next to a bike trail and its a lot more convenient than towing my bike around the county every time I want to go biking. My darling daddy decided that during the winter he would like it to be at our place. I agree with him of course, so when it was being kept in our tiny tiny tiny shed he had to loosen the handle bars so he could move them and fit it better. So today when I took it out on the trail, even though I had tightened the bolt two weeks before I went zooming down this huge hill to get on the trail and BOOM down I went. Right in front of a super-fit physical trainer looking guy. Are you shitting me? He goes "WHOA. are you OKAY?!" me: " bike is fucked up....the handle bars are loose..." he goes: "I have some tools" (hahah of course you do.) me: "Reallllyyy?? That would be amazing." and he ends up helping me out, after kind of laughing at me, goes "that should be safer" and off we go on our own biking ways. Well, at least I could keep biking. I went probably 4 miles, turned around and headed back. My friend and I always take this little back road that lets you go faster on the way back to her house, so I decided to do it even though I was on my own. What I forgot was that this road probably hasn't been paved in decades so there's a lot of pot holes, AND it recently rained. When I neared the last 200 feet of the road I saw huge, deep, muddy, brown puddles that were about 50 feet long in front of me. I peddled really quick, centered myself in the middle of the road (hoping for the shallowest bit of the puddle) and braved it. Needless to say, when I came out my legs and butt were showered with mudd, I even managed to get some on my upper arms. Hmm. That made for an interesting bike ride.
Had to stop at a gas station (cause my "you need fuel, bitch!" light came on). The only one near, with decent prices, is an extremely popular gas station cause its also a mini-mart. I knew I looked like crap, had mud up my butt, sweaty hair...the whole bit. So I decided to try to disguise myself, put on my huge sunglasses, messed up my hair, and hoped for the best. Thank god no one was at the station when I pulled in. (yesssss!).
So now, I am home, showered and waiting for Matt to get back from his grandparents. I plan on giving him my chocolate bunny cause I already ate the carrots. =]
Happy Easter every one!

Meal of the day: Wild Mushroom Pizza
Song of the day: Everything's Just Wonderful by Lily Allen