Monday, August 23, 2010

The orientation and "oh shit, im supposed to be there" times

I haven't written in ages, but its mostly not because I haven't had time. I've just been running around doing pretty much pointless things with only minor goals but they ended up being fulfilling.

I s'pose the most exciting thing I have done recently is moving into my dorm room and beginning to live the "college life". I luckily got to move in a COMPLETE day early so I didn't have to deal with lines and lines of carts and people waiting to use the elevator to get to their rooms (yesssss). And I discovered I live on the fifth floor, so in reality walking up 5 flights really isn't all that bad. I'm living in a forced triple, aka a double with three people instead of two. I know it sounds bad, but its not really. The room is pretty spacious and we all have dressers and closets to put our things in.

Tonight I'm going to a jazz concert in the union with some new friends and my boyfriend. Should be an adventure! I'm still discovering my way around campus....the only building I'm really familiar with is called Van Bokkelen (in my mind Van B) and that's because that's where I had my orientation sessions. Unfortunately, it is a pretty hidden and badly displayed building so it took me forever to find it thus causing me to look like an ass when I walked in late while everyone was playing "ice breaking games". Thats okay, I don't wanna break ice anyway xP

The first night I was here I got ridiculously home sick, called my best friend (Sarah) who was babysitting at the time and begged her to pick me up. She came as soon as she got off, which was at midnight, and we ventured out back to home. I ended up chilling with some old friends until four in the morning, eventually got back to my dorm, which was pitch black and silent, had to somewhat loudly open the door and use my cell phone as a light to find my bed. Woke up at 8 to go to orientation, had a pretty nonchalant day. Nonetheless, when night rolled around again I got homesick (again) my sister picked me up, and I traveled my way back home (again). Watched "Through the worm hole (featuring Morgan Freeman)" with Matt, who brought me back at the much decent-er hour of one. So tonight I have challenged myself to actually stay on campus. *deep breathes* I just have to remember I'm not the only one who has no idea what to do with themselves yet. phew.

blog again as soon as possible.....which may be a while since classes start wednesday!

Meal of the day: Golden Graham cereal with a banana
Song of the day: I would walk 500 miles by the Proclaimers

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