Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I have no excuse. Nope, I really have no excuse for why I haven't blogged. You all know about my first couple of weeks in college but so much has been happening. I made a best friend, Corrine dearest, who is absolutely ridiculous but a lot like me. We go on these "adventures" all over the place. Our first one was into the harbor, where we wondered about posing idiotically on the sides of bridges in "pin up girl" styles. She was much better at it than me..I just look really awkward. Then again, when am I not awkward? We have had some pretty fun saturday nights as well. I know I'm in college and its the party life blah blah blah, but we watch some horrible cabin fever movie, created a stop animation film, made tea, and had multiple riots of laughter SO tell me why I should go out to some frat house. But don't get me wrong, I can totally understand why someone would want to join the Greek Life. It, after all, does offer acceptance which I feel is pretty hard to find at my school, and it promotes a good cause usually. By good cause I mean breast cancer or children in third world countries. There actually was a frat on campus that see-sawed (yes, see-sawed) for 24 hours to promote colon cancer. Or maybe it was prostate cancer? Anyway, that was pretty big...I guess. Currently one of the sororities has been setting up a table outside every day, covered in pink things, with whip cream and a sign that says "PIE A ZETA". Its supposed to support breast cancer. I just don't especially have any sort of yearning to throw a pie at some girl for a dollar. A dollar is a lot of money, to me, right now away.
BUT, thats not gonna last long cause I got a job! YES. After months (OK a few days) of arduous hunting at a near by mall, I saw a flyer on campus for an administrative job. I snatched it off the bulletin board and emailed the link as soon as possible. I'll be getting paid 10 dollars and hour to file applications for a department on campus! So exciting! I start monday =]
This is a completely different topic, but sense I had been to China I hadn't ridden in a taxi. That is to say, I had never ridden in a taxi in the USA until last night. I got stranded at Target with Corrine. The target nearby is only about 2 miles away, but it was dark, past 10 and we were two girls with nothing but spaghetti-os (my new favorite food) and mace. So, after Corrine called me a wanker for about a half an hour I persuaded her to split a taxi cost with me. It was ten mother f**king dollars for 2 miles. O.O Can you believe that junk? Ridiculous. I will admit though, the ride was super pimped out, awesome interior and the driver even had a iPhone, which he decided to check his facebook on WHILE driving. Really, put my life and my ten dollars on hold for facebook, go ahead.
We are usually able to catch the shuttle back to campus, which is free for all students with their ID card. We, as usual, missed the shuttle and watched it zoom right on by us across the street. The first time this happened, Corrine and I were on our way to the shuttle stop. I looked up and saw the shuttle, then said " that the shuttle?" Corrine just took off, looked back at me and went "Well run, FAT ASS". Holy crap, I have never laughed so hard whilst running in my life. It wasn't just the fact that a girl equal to me in sexy awesome body size told me to run, it was because she screamed "FAT ASS" like it was no one's business. Gotta love it. I wish you could have all been there to see us run like morons to the stop, and then sit on the bus for 10 minutes (while it was still at the shuttle... waiting for other passengers) and complain about how out of shape we are.
Since I came to college though I discovered these "group fitness classes". They are free and they are at night, both things making them awesome for me. I do Zumba, and Yoga. Tomorrow I'm trying "Ab Attack" which makes me want to run and hide. I don't have abs. I don't especially want abs. But I want to look and feel better, so thus I am making my body suffer. I have to be one of the people on the planet who hates ab workouts. I really do. I would rather starve myself for a week than do 15 straight minutes of ab workouts. Ugh. I'll tell you how that one works out.
I am completely obsessed with the show LOST. Really, I love it. I watched the first season in probably about three days. I'm on the fifth season now, and its the last one I have on DVD so I'm trying to take my time watching it. My favorite character by far is definitely Hurley, followed closely in second by Charlie, and then Desmond right behind him. I love Hurley because he is so jovial, and if I were stuck on the island I'd definitely want a Hurley around. The episode where he drives the beat up shag van into the valley completely captured my every thought. And when he made it to the bottom and the van started I literally laughed right along with him. Charlie of course is my favorite because he's so protective of Claire (awesome as well) and sits around playing his guitar all the time. And what girl isn't going to love Desmond? He is willing to do anything to get back to Penelope. Has a super sexy Scottish accent, and is over all just a good guy.

Might have to go watch LOST now. =]
P.S. sorry about typo-s, I'll edit later =]

Meal of the day: Spinach salad with strawberries and pineapples
Song of the day: Shambala by Michael G.

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