Thursday, December 2, 2010

holy moly

I haven't blogged in god knows how long. I really miss it. Okay, wait I lied because I totally have blogged, but its been for my Mass Communications class and I'm not to passionate about what I'm blogging about so I consider it homework. So much shit has happened, even though I feel like I'm not really living up to the college experience.
I've been watching crap tons of LA Ink, with Kat Von D and the crew. It's made me realize that I want a tattoo. I had been thinking about getting one for a couple of months, but seeing how much they mean to people and how fantastic of an experience it is makes me want to get one even more. I was watching one episode today that I was trying to hard not to laugh out loud to. This guy got a cheese tattoo, because he had recently become lactose intolerant and so he wanted to memorialize his past life with cheese. I know it's cheese, but he really loves cheese. There's this clip of him and he goes "provolone, SWISS. God it's all so good." and then he's like "I just really love cheese." And the way he says it is so sincere and so you end up thinking, "well, now I can't see why you wouldn't get a cheese tattoo" and of course Kim does an amazing job. At that point your like, well shit, you could get a tattoo of a crumpled paper and these people could make it look amazing.
So, what I am thinking for my tat is a sunflower with a few vines around it. It's definitely more simple, but I've always been simple. I remember when I was little my dad was reading to me in bed and noticed a necklace I had on, and he went "You really love those simple beautiful things in life" and its completely true. I do, and I really love sunflowers, when I see them it just makes me so happy and brings back good memories. I'm super excited, hopefully I do follow through with it (I already have a designated tattoo buddy), if I do I'll let yall know about it.
On a different note, Matt and I's one year anniversary is this weekend. SATURDAY. Holy shit. I really can't believe its been a year. Time flies. I've been really happy with him and he's definitely changed me as a person, in all the good kind of ways of course. Or at least I like to think so. We rented a cabin up in the mountains. It's real suave, got a kitchen, 2 bedrooms (TWO BEDS. YES.), and a bathroom. Ya know, all we need. It was pretty cheap, $100 a night, so we are splitting it dutch oven style. Wait, is it called dutch oven? I think it might just be dutch...Well, we are splitting it even. His dog, Raven, is coming along. I realize most girls would probably be like, "he wants to bring the dog on our anniversary trip" but honestly Raven is a lot of fun, he's full of personality and he makes me laugh even though Matt probably kisses him equally as much as me. He will be fun to have on our hikes and what not. Plus that way, when I fall on a rock and bust my leg Raven can stay with me while Matt goes and gets help.
Although I do have to say I am a little annoyed. I probably shouldn't post my super private life online but writing it all helps a lot, and my journal is underneath a stack of books hidden behind the journals of Dan Eldon and in the dust of my shelf. So, last night I had a great time with my best friend Sarah, we got Panera and talked like old times, it was a lot of fun. She left here around 8 to get back to her hubbie at home. She texted me throughout the night cause her and her boyfriend ended up going and hanging out at Matt's place. I know his work schedule, so I knew he got home at 9. He didn't call me till 11.30. I know it probably makes me sound needy and clingy, but I really don't feel that I am at all. I don't see him all week, we usually only talk on the phone for average of 10 minutes a day so it's like "Yo, got 5 to spare?" He called me and I was like "matt, I'm going to bed. We can talk tomorrow" and he was all upset because he hates upsetting me. Anyway, we are all good now and everything. I was just so excited to get a call from him once he got home from work, but he hasn't called yet and its almost 11. He probably won't call, he probably fell asleep.
ALRIGHT, that was huge coincidence. Right as I wrote that, guess who called. Yeah okay, brownie points awarded to Matt. Oddly good timing.

I went clubbing with Sarah a couple of thursdays ago. I had such an amazing time. I danced with some really fun guys and it was just a totally liberating experience because I am normally a shy, self conscious (to the max) person. I know that's completely unattractive to men because they like a "woman with confidence". I got thinking to myself, I don't know these guys, I'm never going to see them again. Let the fuck loose Laura. So I did. And there was maybe only 5 minutes I wasn't dancing with someone. Go me.

Alright, I was supposed to be doing Sociology homework right now and considering finals are in two weeks I should get to that.

Tell you how cabin weekend goes.
Love, Laura

Meal of the day: Everything bagel with cream cheese and Pumpkin Spice coffee (mmmhm)
Song of the day: The Orchard by SeaWolf. ( I am telling you guys, this band is AMAZING. Get it pronto.)

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