Sunday, December 26, 2010

Just sittin here

The cabin trip was amazing. The fact that Matt and I had to be alone with each other for a grand total of 3 ish days, was at first quite daunting. Matt kind of keeps his feelings to himself, which is the complete opposite of me. Well on most aspects anyway. I love talking to people and finding out new things, Matt knows a lot, its just hard to get him rolling on a topic. So, on the first night when we popped open a bottle of Yellow Tail I was really happy to have this passionate voice raising conversation with him. We were both getting really emotional about what we were talking about, and mostly for him, his past. Because of the minor drinking we had done I couldn't help but laugh as much, or more than he did. So it was an incredibly giggly crazy fun night. I would love to do it again, and I think we might be for new years (yay 2011).
We went hiking on Saturday with Raven. Well, in the morning I desperately needed coffee, and water (wine super demolished my hydration. I haven't been that thirsty since my backpacking trip in august). It was snowing, since we were up in the mountains. We went to this national park, found some cabins we are thinking about staying in over the summer and explore the park a little bit. I've enclosed a picture of the view while we were driving since I usually left the camera in the car.
On the way back home we had to stop to get gas. We decided to go to this small truck driver stop to get it, do not ask me why. I pull out my bank card (cause I didn't have cash) and the screwy machine is all screwy and being a pain in the bum. I started yelling at it..well to quote me I went "I hate country ass gas stations". Matt started cracking up because I walked off into the shop in my rain boots, leggings and coat. When I came back he told me he was "praying no one would come at him with a hunting knife". Yeah, cause that would be SOOOO different from where we live. Anyway, it provided ample laughter for about 20 minutes in the car ride.

Well now I've told you about my weekend.

I could tell you about Christmas, but really, it was just another Christmas. We all exchanged gifts, my sister stressed out about making a 16 by 14 inch gingerbread house, my mom crowded the kitchen with cooking, while I cleaned the rest of the house until family came over. Favorite gift? Probably have to go with this beautiful necklace my dad gave me. It's a turquoise pendant with two handmade metal rings around it. It's beautiful and I can't wait to wear it somewhere.

It's snowing here now. I think we are supposed to get quite a bit, but I don't really know. I was going to spend the night at Matt's but he was super tired cause he had woken up at 4 AM for work. So he went to bed at 7.30, I tried to sleep, but couldn't and left around 11.30. The roads were horrible. I was really happy to get home, I was starrrrvvvinngg. My sister and I watched a pretty bad film about Ted Bundy, the serial killer. Super messed up. I also watched a documentary about H.H. Holmes, the first serial killer in America, whom no one seems to have heard of. Check it out, yo! You gotta know these things for when you go on jeopardy.

It is now 2.31 AM, I am semi sleepy...and I think I might try to fall asleep now.
Write again soon, hopefully.
Love, Laura

Meal of the day: Clementines with Cereal
Song of the day: Turn me on by Norah Jones

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