Monday, January 3, 2011

Something about the day

There is something about today that just completely sucks.

I woke up this morning at 9, after my phone alarm went off, then I sat up and waited for my alarm clock to go off (because I don't trust my phone). Maybe it was the fact that I actually had to get up and go to work that made today drab. I can't really decide. The weather wasn't all that bad. Colder than it has been I guess. I got to work and my coworker was there. Didn't do too much, made a couple of files, talked about the holidays and wished I had gotten a coffee on my way there. Maybe it's the fact that my new year resolution along with everybody else is to lose weight. Well who knows, I just know there's something about the day that's not sitting right with me.

I hate trying to lose weight. I'm actually at a healthy weight for my height so now its just aiming for that false idea of perfection. I tell myself I'm going to go to the gym after work (which I actually managed to do today) but it's a horrible wreck trying to get the motivation to work out for more than a half an hour. I think it might have to do with the fact that whenever I go to the gym its all these fit college guys in their tight tank tops and ripped muscles as an audience. I do not understand why people run for 10 miles, much less lift weights for an hour. Personally, all I really do at the gym is set a goal to burn about 100 calories and if I go over that HURRAH for me. That way when I manage to not be such a lazy bum I feel good about myself. It works.

I did burn 100 calories at the gym and then did free weights for about 2 and a half minutes. But then I got home and thought "well thats a shitty way to start my new year" or something much less positive along those lines and did a pilates/yoga video which I find much more awesome. Of course it was all for nothing because I can simply not deny myself mint chocolate chip ice cream. It is way to delicious to feel bad about eating, at least while your eating it.

There could be worse thing to suffer from. I would rather eat a pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream as a youthful college kid that later when I'm 62 and have diabetes.

SOOO now that we've talked about weight I'd like to change the subject.
I just watched the Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya sisterhood. Completely and totally not what I expected at all. For some reason I was envisioning more Sisterhood the Traveling Pants kinda bull shit. This was actually hilarious because I feel like know people were like that as a kid. I mean, you gotta admit, your grandma probably did some pretty crazy stuff when she was a teen so it's fun to watch the memories of these people come to life. A lot of it was depressing, but the creative crowns they wear totally make it worth it.

Meal of the day: Dad's home made Mac and Cheese
Song of the day: Come talk to me by Bon Iver

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