Monday, March 28, 2011


Well friends. The post-spring break part of college is now here. It kinda blows because they give us a week off for spring break but then we have to come back till the end of May, with out any breaks. So of course we're sitting in class when it starts to finally get gorgeous outside!
Maryland weather blows anyway. Tuesday it was almost 7o warm delicious degrees outside and then the forecast was snow on Sunday. I mean, seriously, what the hell is that about. How is that even possible?? I really don't get odd.

Corrine's basically never around the dorm room so it's pretty much che de Laura here. Which I don't really mind, I just then when Corrine finally does show up it'll be like "why you in my space?!" when it's really her space to..she just doesn't occupy it. I get up hella early for class/work so when she IS here I can't turn the lights on or put music on or talk to myself. When she ISN'T here I turn all the lights on, and jam to some music while I get ready and it's just like home sweet home.
My darling mother pretty much forced me to live on campus next year. Its a pro because it's definitely more convenient because parking here is horrible and the commute, so I hear, takes ages no matter where your coming from. But then again, I kinda hate the social life here...waking up to our suite mates puking in the bathroom or screaming about some b
oy is not what I like to hear at 3 am. I much like the sound of geese across the road in the pond. Actually, thats really annoying It's hell both ways. I'm going to get an apartment.

Ive been on this COOKING spree lately. I actually accumulated recipes and made a binder full of them. When I say full I of course mean there's about 10 but hey, I just started so that's pretty good! Anyway, I made blueberry cornbread last weekend. YUM. I made a whole pan, had one piece, went out, came back home and it was all gone. I was like "fo realz people" and my mom was like "...I had three" haha I see. It's okay though, mommy makes me food all the time, so she can have my corn bread without repercussions. My sister on the other hand...
HA. just kidding. It's corn bread people, I really don't care.
Sarah, Alex, Kienan, Matt and I got amazing mexican food at Papa Joe's
in Westminster the other night. IT WAS DELISH. You should all god and emerge yourself in wonderful mexican cuisine. Get the Guac.

Anyhoo, made some cool tie dye. And now I'm getting sleepy so I'm going to head to bed to wake up really early for work.

Meal of the day: Oatmeal and Bananers
Song of the day: Bulletproof by Lo Roux

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