Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Once in a while

Okay, so its already March. How did that happen?
I was sitting at work today when I realized that I am going to be doing essentially the same thing for the next three years. Wake up, skip breakfast, grab a coffee, head to an early class, drink the coffee, go to my next class, eat breakfast, go to work, run home, change, grab something to eat, head off to class. And repeat.
I hate monotony. I hate working. I hate listening to Taylor Swift while I'm working. I hate skipping breakfast. And I hate that this will be exactly what I am doing for the next three years.
Maybe it sounds pessimistic and despondent but I'm not trying to be, it's just a honest realization. I have to make money in order to support my lifestyle, so I have to work. I have to go to school so I can do what I want when I get older.
The problem with all of it is, is that I know a lot of people who don't go to school and are happy with themselves. I wish there was a chance for me to be a photojournalist without having a stunning background, but it's highly unlikely especially since I have no connections in the writing world.
I admire my dad for that, because he dropped out of Peabody (he played double bass) became a carpenter. And then after a few years discovered his love of Cuba and went off to school to earn his degree in Spanish. Now he goes to Cuba pretty much 3 or 4 times a year, loves it, and comes back more happy than ever. He wants us to move to Cuba, thats how much he loves it.
Will I end up loving what ever I end up doing as much as he loves this?
Part of me thinks the answer to that question is "no" because after doing it in school for four years why would you want to continue doing it?
I am one of those people who like change. Thats why I love to travel, why I became a vegetarian, and why I changed my major about 6 times. So who knows if I will actually end up liking graphic designing and journalism by the time I earn my degree.
It's all quite complicated. How I wish I lived in the 1960's.

I'm living with Corrine (code name: C Grizzly) this semester. I love it. When we do see each other, which isn't quite often because our classes are at different times and I work a lot, the stories we have are hilarious. The other night I was hysterically laughing because she was telling me about her fear of fish. Honest to god, it was the funniest thing I had heard in a while:
" don't understand. I was neck deep in water. There has never been so much water. I turned around and there was this FISH just right there. It was about to touch me."
...Well, were in the ocean.
I mean, its hilarious. We have this piece of paper taped up on our bathroom door called quotes of the semester and one of them (said by Corrine) is "I'd rather be mugged than touch a fish".
Among others, there's "Your going to eat that with a fork?", and "Your more nervous than a boy's hand going down girls panties".
It's quite a fun room, I wish all of you could come.

I woke up this morning, Matt laying next to me, Corrine and Trent laying in her bed. Look up, and there is this HUGE stop sign that she stole. My first thought was...where the hell are we going to put that? Then I thought, how did she get it past the feds who guard the door? WAIT, how did she get it in the car? (it's that big).

Corrine, Trent and me went out the other night to this park nearby that is closed after dark. Of course, we went after dark. Trent just bought a new car, and some how attracts cops from miles away. He's only had it for about two weeks and he's been pulled over about 5 times. Needless to say, we were throwing sticks in the water and making fun of geese when we see 4 cop cars pull over on the road...right next to Trent's car. Not just one..but FOUR cops.
"You know your not supposed to be here after dark." "Yes, sir" "Then why are you here?" "We just wanted to hang out" "There's lots of other places you can 'hang out'" "Yes, sir" "You could be fucking arrested for trespassing. Boy, I know a cop that would LOVE to take you in" "We are sorry sir, we weren't doing anything" "Thats the fucking watershed, everything you throw in there ends up in the glasses of water you drink *spits tobacco on the grass*" "yes..sir"
I mean, COME ON. That tobacco you just spit is going to end up in the water you drink asshole.
In the end, we got off with just a warning but shesssshhhh. They did not like that at all.

Okay, well I'm in art class right now....
Post again soon

Song of the day: Summertime by Sublime
Meal of the day: Everything bagel with cream cheese

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