Sunday, April 10, 2011

I keep on going up and down on this whole college life experience and weather or not I like it. Sometimes I am perfectly content with understanding and believing in who I am, while at other times, if I could I would definitely go back to middle school and change the course of my life completely. I think that the university I am at right now is not right for me at all. It's a big school, so there's a lot of students (about 16000 to be exact) which of course means a lot of different types of people. I am not used to having so many people around ALL THE TIME. And, while at first I was good with having a big school (because of the opportunity to make loads of new friends and what not) I find that a shit load more difficult than it seems. People here have found their friends, or made friends of friends and they seem perfectly content with not wanting any more..which makes it hard for me to squirm my way into hanging out with the seemingly chill people. blows. I should have joined the peace corp and learned more about who the hell I actually am.
   Spose this is just me complaining, I am sure that I'm just being stupid. I should have chosen a different fucking school. What the fuck. This is probably the biggest regret of my life thus far. WHY. what the hell was going through my head when I thought attending school 20 minutes from my house would be fun. I need to get out of maryland. OUT. out out out. -.-
     Can I just reverse time somehow? Why is there no space machine that can do that yet. I am furious. OKay, not furious, just mildly depressed....I think I have watched a whole season of Bones so far this semester.
    okay, just texted my buddy alex in the hopes that he will be willing to drive out here...hang out and do something with this horrible existence that is my life. lol SAVE ME ALEX. I should probably make a note here that this is mostly sarcasm. I really don't hate my life, but making fun of it seems to help. =]
  Okay I'm going to go call people and do something. ACTION IS ACTION, and i need action. In a purely non sexual way...I'm okay on those terms xD love ya matthew.

song of the day:  Diamond in the sun by Sean Hayes
Meal of the day: Mother's delicious italian wedding cake. omfg.

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