Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cats and Dime bags

At work again. I've only been here an hour but I have nothing to do. I brought homework but I really don't feel like bothering with it. I have a math exam later that weighs pretty heavily on my grade for the class which I should definitely be concerned about but since I abhor math I just can't bring myself to do it at 10:00 in the morning. I wish I was sleeping.
I watched Black Swan last night. Very intense movie, but not so much what I expected. The final performance/conclusion of the movie was fantastic though, I couldn't stop watching. They did a good job tying all the bits and pieces together. Natalie Portman is a good actress too even though I heard about all the hype from her winning the Best Actress Award, and how the actual ballerinas were pissed.
Anyway, I went to bed at like 11:00 so I don't understand why I am so ridiculously tired this morning. I feel like my eyes are really droopy and I have no incentive to do anything. I was walking to return my movie this morning and some girls were behind me being really loud. For some reason, that was SUPER irritating. Maybe it's because it's supposed to rain today and its been nice out the past couple of days so rain just seems very day-ruining. I also have to do perspective drawings later *barf*.
Nonetheless, going to a club tonight, yeah yeahhhhhh. And I don't have class tomorrow, double yeah yeahhhh. AND, I'm going to a yoga convention with Beks tomorrow and might possibly win an under armor shirt (which I normally can't afford to own). This will be the third time this week I have done yoga, except this is going to be SUPER long tomorrow (two hours). I went last night and the teacher was Sid, who is the owner of the whole facility. He is much more laid back about the yoga. Which means he tells us stories about his cat finding dime bags on the street while we are suffering in downward dog. Anyway it was a great workout by I am super sore today and I feel like a big bloated whale for some reason.
Maybe I should try a liquid diet...just kidding.

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