Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I am a yogi.

        So, last week, on Monday to be precise I went to my first ever Vinyasa yoga class. There's this center near my university that does donation based yoga classes. They suggest a $10 donation, but I usually muster up enough to give $5. You walk into the studio, which is heated to an astounding 90 degrees, and roll out your mat and yoga towel. The class I go to is about 90 minutes long, and super hard core. The first week I know I looked ridiculous because I was some what unsuccessful at finding my balance. But this week I noticed a lot of improvements. Our instructor, whose name is Marcus, tells you in the beginning to "make a goal for yourself for this class, today" and so my goal was basically just to push myself as hard as I could, take fewer breaks (unless absolutely necessary) and sit further back in the Queens and Kings poses. My sister, Beka, comes with me every Monday as well. Last week she had to step out half way through because she felt a black out coming on. Of course, she had ran 3 miles and elliptical-ed before class, so the fact that she felt like passing out only makes sense. Her goal, apparently, was to "not pass out", which, I can say, she successfully reached. It is an amazing class though, and I am totally and completely a yogi now. I love yoga. I want to do it everyday, I want to go to retreats, I want to do yoga in Bali, I want to be one of those crazy 60 year old grand mothers who can stand on their head. That, my friends, is my goal.
         Beka and I have decided that after 90 minutes of yoga we can most definitely treat ourselves to a delicious dinner. We decided to go to this vegetarian/vegan cafe in town. It was so incredibly nice out today (a whooping 80 degrees) so when we got there we asked to sit outside. Little did we know, the wind would soon blow with enough effort to push our tea pot inches from the edge of the table. I think we both had like heart attacks when the wind blew at one point and pushed our knives, napkins and lettuce off the table. I went running after my napkin at one point, making myself look completely sane of course. It stopped for a moment, and for some reason I stopped too, but then another gust came and it blew it onto the road, so, following it, I ran into a road to retrieve my supposedly "biodegradable" napkin. Beka was hysterically laughing at me when I returned with a triumphant look. Quite the entertainer I was.
         My boss is currently in South Africa on a vacation, so I'm in the office all by myself answering phone calls, reading articles off of cnn.com and blogging. I read this article 10 minutes ago about a supposed serial killer in the New York area. They've found what they think to be 9 bodies related to the killer so far, and they said all the woman killed had posted prostitution services on sites like Craigslist. Can you say creepy? Its Jack the Ripper in the modern day. So messed up, and unbelievable.
        Anyway, I've only been at work for about 2 hours...(started at 8:00) and I am here until 3:00 pm. I have no idea whatsoever to do with myself. I'm sorta reading this book by Chelsea Handler which is hilarious. But reading makes me sleepy so I have to do that on and off.
       Corrine was actually in the room last night when I got home after my yoga and dinner session with Beka. It was good to catch up, and nice to finally see her. She told me about this zombie dream she had where she basically had to desert her brother which he was getting engulfed by zombies. She has odd dreams.
       My tab button is not working. It's really annoying..my freaking spaces are going to be all messed up on this blog now. Ah well, my blogs usually aren't up to par.
       Hopefully seeing Matthew tonight! Excited. It's been a whole...3 days. Wow, that's it? I feel like it's been weeks. Blah, I hate school.

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