Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sweet Jesus

Dear sweet Jesus I am so freaking bored at work. I have been here since 8 AM. Since then I have managed to do absolutely nothing. I finished reading my book yesterday and literally have no homework. Well, I have homework just nothing I can do while sitting in this office.
I actually have to make a video narrative, silent style. I have been thinking and researching ideas all day long but I still haven't found an idea for something I like yet. I'm really annoyed because I've had fantastic ideas in the past for videos, I just never wrote them down or thought they would come to use. So now, I am stuck and it's my own darn fault. We're supposed to have video to work on in class tomorrow....I hope I can muster something up by then.
I'm also doing some pine cone drawings for my other art class. They're pretty cool. At first I thought pine cones were insanely complicated and I had no idea where to begin drawing them since they essentially look the same all over. But it's pretty easy once you just start doodling. Hopefully my final piece will look good for when its due on Thursday.
Super excited cause I get to see Matt tonight! I called him while I was walking over to grab some lunch earlier and he was like, "So..whats Corrine doing tonight?" and I was like "She actually has plans!" and he was like "well..I don't suppose I could come over then?" and I was like, "You can ALWAYS come over. In fact, you pretty much should always come over. Come over now." Well, okay I lied. I didn't really say that whole last sentence but nonetheless, he's coming over. I'm excited. What are we going to do? I have no idea. I don't think that there is anything fun and interesting happening in the University tonight. He gets out of work around 9.00 so that means he will be getting here around 9.30. So, yeah I don't know what we will do.
Beka and I did hot yoga again last night. I really need a picture of us in our yogi gear to post. Alright, that is MISSION OF THE WEEKEND! I will get a picture, I will, I will.
Really odd though. One of my favorite poses to do is the tree pose (mostly because it's like the one I am super good at). Right after we did Eagle the instructor was like "okay, now take a breath with your eyes shut to regain your breathing" and as soon as I shut my eyes I started to black out. So, of course, I opened them again and everything started to phase out like when your donating blood (or at least when I donate blood) and there's just not enough oxygen in your system. So I had to not do tree pose and go into child's pose so I wouldn't fall over in front of Marcus...which would be very very very embarrassing.
I got up again though because I didn't just want to leave yoga. I think the reason I almost passed out might have been because I had really only eaten an abundance of fruit that day, and I didn't drink coffee except for 3 sips at Trader Joe's (because they had free samples of Fair Trade coffee...with Stevia. How could I resist?) right before class. So I think my body was like wiggin out about that.
We're going to this yoga convention my school's putting on that sponsored by Under Armor. I'm really excited to go. It's going to be like 400 or 500 people I think and its from 6-8. So two hours of yoga in a huge room with tons of other people! Really excited to try  it out. There's something about having to try when other people are in the room that makes me keep on going, and pushing to hold a stance better. For example, last night I was having fo real problems holding "dancer" (which ill show a picture of) with my left food grounded. But as soon as we switched to the left side, Marcus was like "kick kick kick. There you go! Perfect." and I was like "dammmmnnnnnn right its perfect. BOO yah bitches." And so that made me feel better about failing on doing tree.

Sorry this blog is so long winded. I am just so distressed at not having anything to do at work I have to preoccupy myself with something.

My boss was supposed to be back in the office tomorrow but his flight was delayed and so he probably won't be in until the afternoon. Even then, I think he's crazy for coming in. He is flying from South Africa, to Baltimore and then coming to work. That's quite a long commute, don't ya think? Why not just take a little extra time off to relax and destress before coming back to a crazy office full of notes that your assistant (*cough me cough*) has been taking all week and most likely screw ups as well?

Oh boy. I can't think of anything else interesting to write about. So I guess this will be the end of my oh so interesting blog for today.

Go, do yoga.

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