Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Anger and Slight Hostility

I cant really explain my anger right now without revealing who it is I am sort of kind of angry at. I feel a rant coming on, and I really just want to start kicking things and get it out of my system but I feel like I am generally a pretty gentle and laid back person so...in all honesty I would most likely end up kicking something and stubbing my own toe.
I really don't mind that my boyfriend plays video games. Really, I don't.
I find it kind of interesting, since I personally suck at video games, to watch. I REALLY don't
mind. I know he thinks I do, but I could honestly care less as along as I'mnot sitting there for more than an hour watching. He can play all he wants on his own time,
fo sho. What I really don't understand though is when he tells me to call him rightafter I get off work, when I do, and when he doesn't answer.
Okay....so maybe he's out with some friends, doing something for his mom,
sleeping, eating...or just generally preoccupied. Thats chill. I get it, the whole, I'm busy so I cant talk to my girl thing.
When my bestie texts me and I find out that she just left his place, he's playing vid.
games in his gaming room, with his phone sitting next to him, and he didn't answer, I won't lie.
I'm a little annoyed. just a little.
So my so called "smart phone" decides to turn off, (which by the way is INCREDIBLY
annoying.) I miss Matt's calls. When he does finally reach me, after checking my phone, and
turning it back on, he says "his phone died. he left it off the charger"
Who the hell am I supposed to believe. My best friend who says it was laying next to him, or
my boyfriend who says it was dead. Well...if it was dead....would it have not rung? Or maybe
it WAS laying next to him and its deadness made it incapable of being answered. Seriously, men
reading this, understand calling your girl is kind of important.
I'm going to make this italics just to emphasize my point:
I really, really, really, don't mind that you want to hang out with your guy friends and play
games. I understand as much as a girl can understand. It's like me wanting to go out with my
girl friends. I get it, really I DO. Just, instead of ignoring when I call, pick up and go "hey hot
stuff, I'm with mah dudes right now playing some mad call of duty shit. You mind if I ring you
back later?" and I promise I will respond "Sounds like a plan. have fun. talk to you soon yeah?"
just so long as you keep your damn promise I hope with all my heart that you have fun.

silly boys. phones are for answering.

Meal of the day: Microwave burritos. - cause Im not in the mood to cook
Song of the day: Come out nd Play by the Offspring

P.S. - going vegan for the month of april.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


So the official start of SPRING BREAK was yesterday, and as a sort of initiation into a week of fun my friend and I took a day trip up to the beach. We left at 7, after meeting at a park and ride, hoped in my car...and realized I really needed to buy gas. So we made a pit-stop at a local BP station, grabbed some coffees and then proceeded on our way.
This was my first official "long distance" (since the beach is 150 miles away) trip without any parental supervision I was feeling the freedom vibe. Rocking out to a mixed cd I had made for the trip, and having the windows open despite the fact that it was 40 degrees outside was exactly what I had in mind.
We started off having the GPS system on, but we got really annoyed with the obnoxious female voice beckoning us to do stupid things, so we shut it off and figured we would just rely on common sense to get us there. At least until we got lost.
After about an hour of drinking coffee and home brewed iced tea (yum) we really had to pee. The only place to stop en route was this broken down shell station with a...interesting...looking man standing outside. We decided that should we be attacked I would go for the groin and she would smash the face. Of course our plan didn't have to go into action, we merely walked in, asked for a bathroom, got pointed to the back corner of the station (..sketchy) did what we had to do, then left.
Soon we started seeing signs for the Bay Bridge. In my mind the jaws theme song started playing. I had never driven across a big bridge, must less a 7 mile long one. I had ridden in the passenger seat and gawked at the height of the bridge over water, but I had not driven it. As we got closer and closer my nerves started more and more. Then we payed the toll to cross and I realized I actually had to do this. My clever road-tripping buddy captured the moment we got on:
Hey, at least I was facing my fears. right?

So we got to the beach by ten. Now, thats 150 miles in a about 2.5 hours. I think we made damn good time, that might have been because of my not obeying the speed limits, but who really does anyway?
We had packed this bombin lunch to eat on the beach. Determined in our ways, we went out with a blanket and set it up:
it was DELICIOUS. In case your curious, that puke-ish looking green stuff is called Sog
(spelled right?) It basically spinach blender-ed up into delicious amazingness. Tribe hummus is the
hummus I'm always talking about thats delicious. We also had corn flakes, tomatoes, celery, goldfish, tuna,
more tea, pita bread, and something else I can't think of right now.
But it was mad cold so we had to leave xP
We ended up just taking bunches of photographs and chilling the whole day. It was really fun and great
and I'm quite happy we did it. I would post more pictures except for everytime I do I have to move them all
the way down to the bottom which is kind of a pain in the arse. Is there an easier way to do that?

Anyway, making cabbage leaves filled with tofu for dinner tonight (hahahah, should be fun trying to stuff a
Let you know how that goes xP

Meal of the day: Cabbage stuffed leaves
Song of the day: Mellow Yellow by Donovan

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Quiet Mind...ok, maybe not.

PHEW. I am done. Just completely and utterly done. Done with school and calculus and writing a stupid thesis about Dorian Grey and John Merrick. IM DONE.
Do you think any one would notice if I just stopped going to school?
Alright, so they might notice....but I can at least dream about not going to school. I can't really explain why I feel so completely done with this, pardon my french, shit but I can say that lately it has been 40 degrees when I wake up and 70 by the time I'm out of school. The sun has been shining and the skys have been blue and I just can't stand being stuck in a classroom sitting on metal chairs till my ass goes numb.

Hmph. I guess I should stop complaining since I will be done in less than 8 weeks. So why don't I?(I'm sure you would rather here me not rant about school).

So, I had a rather interesting day at work. Well today AND yesterday really. Which almost never really happens to me since I get very irritated with the kiddies by wednesday. We got this memo in our "mailboxes" at work that read "I've (my boss) been getting some complaints from parents lately about staff, especially afternoon staff (that would be me + others) sitting around talking. This is not how we want to present ourselves to parents, and is NOT what we are paid for." Basically, my boss was saying get up off your ass and play with the kids. Now, to be completely honest I really do feel that I put in a large effort to entertain the kids. In case you haven't noticed by past blogs, I've had some rather interesting experiences at work. But when I read this my first thought was "do I play with them enough??" and so by cause and effect, I played hardcore with the kids on tuesday when we went out to the playground. Literally, my legs were sore the next day because I had played tag for 80 minutes straight. So when we went inside at 5.30 on tuesday I checked my mailbox to get my own personal memo (I had read a co-workers rather than mine earlier). When I picked it up there was a note written on the bottom; "This, dear Laura, does NOT apply to you." Im da shit yea, Im da shit. So, turns out I DO play with the kids enough and my boss loves me for it. However, nothing has changed, the same people who sit in the shade until 5.30 are still sitting in the shade, while me and 2 other teens are constantly running up and down the stairs to take kids to the potty.
I admit, its ridiculous but my boss doesn't really have the stamina to straight out accuse the lazy people.
Today I played in the sand box. I made a pretty beefy sand castle with one of the two year olds, Courtney. But everytime we would make it this little boy, Jack (aka the hell raiser) would come over about a minute later and destroy it. It took my best efforts to distract him that finally allowed it to stay up for maybe 3 and a half minutes. None the less, by the end of the day Jack and I were bunkered down in the sand making "blueberry mac and cheese" and "green bagels with strawberry yogurt". Delicious, I know.

On a topic completely different than work, I got home today and prompted my sister to do a photo shoot. Once I edit them and figure out which ones I like I'll post some. Hah, I know I always say I'll post pictures and never really do, but I really will try to remember this time x] We had a really great time. I wanted to capture water falling out of a mug for some effect in the picture. Everytime my sister would dump the mug out all the water would splash all over me. And in order to get the picture I would have to count to three and she would drop the water on three. So by the end my counting sounded like "okay, ONE, TWO, ahhhhhhhh *covered in water*"
By the time we were done getting soaked we decided burritos were in order and had to make a pajama dressed run to the nearest grocery store to buy tortillas. Came home and ate the necessary dosage of refried beans and other delicious food. After that we played some hardcore Dance Dance Revolution. And now I am pooped and gave up trying to write my senior english paper. screw it.

Meal of the day: Burritos with vanilla yogurt for dessert
Song of the day: Quiet Mind by Blue October

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Art Show and Chocolate Giants

Well, I thought about my blog today, and realized that about 2 weeks ago I had challenged myself to not watch TV for a week. Its pretty obvious that I failed at that challenge, seeing as I'm not writing " I DID IT!" all over this screen. So it is harder than I thought, especially since my boyfriend quite enjoys his cable TV (which I don't have by the way) and is watching it nearly every time I go over. Not that I especially care, after a long day, watching the television (or "boob tube" as my mom calls it) is the perfect way to relax since filling up a bathtub full of water generally takes too long and is a complete waste of water.
So I failed at yet another thing. Oh well. I'm not to worried about it, I have plenty of time to not watch TV during the day. I'm also failing at Calculus...which by the way, I hate. I hate math. hate hate hate. I know that hate is a strong word, but in this case its weak. Who honestly needs to know how to find the derivative of some baloney equation that is never going to pop up again in life. Especially when that "who" is planning on being an art major. Screw Calculus.
So, I'm planning on being an art major (at least at the moment), more specifically Graphic Design...which brings me to the Art show my school is doing. Since I am in the National Art Honor Society we have to submit at least two pieces to go into the auction that will be given out to some lucky parent who got bothered enough to pay for a $15 ticket in which you get some crappy piece of art back. So, while I am still working on one of those two pieces I am also thinking about getting my own "wall". On your wall you can show case pretty much anything you've done as far as art goes. I'm a bit flustered with gathering all these photos together and water coloring for the auction. I haven't been artistically motivated this year (don't ask me why, I don't know.) But it's rather annoying because all of my other friends who are getting walls have all their stuff planned and ready to mount, where as I am thinking "what the hell do I want to show all these people?!"
Anyway, I graduate in 3 ish months so I'm finding it very hard to care about school right now. (the weather is also being amazingly awesome which adds onto the bad concentration during school factor.) Weather--that reminds me. One of the dads at the preschool told me today that the farmer's almanac is for-telling another 30 inches of snow on the 15th. I know, "farmer's almanac! HAH your crazy for believing that old stuff" that is completely how I reacted, at least until the dad went "Why not? They predicted all the other snow before it happened too." Thats when I thought "well....fuck." I honestly can not handle ANOTHER 30 freaking inches of snow....*crosses fingers*

Chocolate Giant- reference to Miracle at St.Anna which came to mind whilst watching American Idol. I don't feel like elaborating just yet, my back is kinda hurting. =]

Write again soon.

Meal of the day: Salad with cashews, sunflower seeds, tofu, grape tomato and dressing
Song of the day: Slow Cheetah by Red Hot Chili Peppers

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Gum balls, grapes and pornos

Well I had the most interesting free period at school today. After dealing with Calculus at 7.35 in the morning, and then going off to my english class to read Act 4 of Hamlet (.....Hamlet comes back to FINALLY take revenge and kill Claudius!? say whhaaaaa? Maybe he does have a set of balls after all), I went to my "enrichment" period. I guess I should kind of explain how my average school day works. 
Okay, so unlike most schools in the county that run on 7 classes-a-day schedules, each class being 40 ( I think?) minutes long, our school runs on 4 classes-a-day schedules with classes that are 80 minutes long. Since we are bunkered down to a chair for 80 minutes doing things like notes and what not, administrators decided that an hour of "enrichment" would be good. Basically you can have lunch for half and hour and then "study" for half and hour. Your allowed to sign up with teachers and what not so you don't actually have to face the brutality of entering the cafeteria and having no clue where your friends are. SO....today I was at enrichment in the art hall, with my darling friends: Phillip, Alex, Katie, Rachael, and sorta kinda friend Esli. After some serious debate that there was no way Phillip could fit gum balls in his nose I finally pursuaded him to try. Of course, there was no way Phill could fit a GUM BALL in his freakishly huge nostrils (that we have previous witness of fitting quarters in). So we proceeded to try with grapes. Wow, re-reading this makes me and my friends seem like total idiots, but in all seriousness it was something that simply had to be done. The outrageous amounts of laughter that came along with it was just a bonus. =]
To increase laughter in life all you really need to do is share your first porno experience with 5 other people and BOOM, you can't stop laughing. Well, at least when I share my first porno experience which you are all probably wondering about right now. Don't worry, I'll tell you soon.

Alice in Wonderland comes out tomorrow, should have bought tickets early cause I know they are gonna be sold out tomorrow. Oh well, there will be plenty of time to see it. Nonetheless, I'm pretty excited for that movie. How bout you?

Well prior to deciding to blog, I was talking to Matt, and prior to talking to Matt I was about to dive into watching "The Family Stone" which is a fantastic christmas time movie, SO I think I will return to my christmas movies. 

Laura's porno story coming to a blog near you.

Meal of the day: Morning Star Italian Sausage (its made of soy) with baked beans
Song of the day: Dance in the Dark by the one and only Lady Gaga