Thursday, March 4, 2010

Gum balls, grapes and pornos

Well I had the most interesting free period at school today. After dealing with Calculus at 7.35 in the morning, and then going off to my english class to read Act 4 of Hamlet (.....Hamlet comes back to FINALLY take revenge and kill Claudius!? say whhaaaaa? Maybe he does have a set of balls after all), I went to my "enrichment" period. I guess I should kind of explain how my average school day works. 
Okay, so unlike most schools in the county that run on 7 classes-a-day schedules, each class being 40 ( I think?) minutes long, our school runs on 4 classes-a-day schedules with classes that are 80 minutes long. Since we are bunkered down to a chair for 80 minutes doing things like notes and what not, administrators decided that an hour of "enrichment" would be good. Basically you can have lunch for half and hour and then "study" for half and hour. Your allowed to sign up with teachers and what not so you don't actually have to face the brutality of entering the cafeteria and having no clue where your friends are. I was at enrichment in the art hall, with my darling friends: Phillip, Alex, Katie, Rachael, and sorta kinda friend Esli. After some serious debate that there was no way Phillip could fit gum balls in his nose I finally pursuaded him to try. Of course, there was no way Phill could fit a GUM BALL in his freakishly huge nostrils (that we have previous witness of fitting quarters in). So we proceeded to try with grapes. Wow, re-reading this makes me and my friends seem like total idiots, but in all seriousness it was something that simply had to be done. The outrageous amounts of laughter that came along with it was just a bonus. =]
To increase laughter in life all you really need to do is share your first porno experience with 5 other people and BOOM, you can't stop laughing. Well, at least when I share my first porno experience which you are all probably wondering about right now. Don't worry, I'll tell you soon.

Alice in Wonderland comes out tomorrow, should have bought tickets early cause I know they are gonna be sold out tomorrow. Oh well, there will be plenty of time to see it. Nonetheless, I'm pretty excited for that movie. How bout you?

Well prior to deciding to blog, I was talking to Matt, and prior to talking to Matt I was about to dive into watching "The Family Stone" which is a fantastic christmas time movie, SO I think I will return to my christmas movies. 

Laura's porno story coming to a blog near you.

Meal of the day: Morning Star Italian Sausage (its made of soy) with baked beans
Song of the day: Dance in the Dark by the one and only Lady Gaga

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