Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Art Show and Chocolate Giants

Well, I thought about my blog today, and realized that about 2 weeks ago I had challenged myself to not watch TV for a week. Its pretty obvious that I failed at that challenge, seeing as I'm not writing " I DID IT!" all over this screen. So it is harder than I thought, especially since my boyfriend quite enjoys his cable TV (which I don't have by the way) and is watching it nearly every time I go over. Not that I especially care, after a long day, watching the television (or "boob tube" as my mom calls it) is the perfect way to relax since filling up a bathtub full of water generally takes too long and is a complete waste of water.
So I failed at yet another thing. Oh well. I'm not to worried about it, I have plenty of time to not watch TV during the day. I'm also failing at Calculus...which by the way, I hate. I hate math. hate hate hate. I know that hate is a strong word, but in this case its weak. Who honestly needs to know how to find the derivative of some baloney equation that is never going to pop up again in life. Especially when that "who" is planning on being an art major. Screw Calculus.
So, I'm planning on being an art major (at least at the moment), more specifically Graphic Design...which brings me to the Art show my school is doing. Since I am in the National Art Honor Society we have to submit at least two pieces to go into the auction that will be given out to some lucky parent who got bothered enough to pay for a $15 ticket in which you get some crappy piece of art back. So, while I am still working on one of those two pieces I am also thinking about getting my own "wall". On your wall you can show case pretty much anything you've done as far as art goes. I'm a bit flustered with gathering all these photos together and water coloring for the auction. I haven't been artistically motivated this year (don't ask me why, I don't know.) But it's rather annoying because all of my other friends who are getting walls have all their stuff planned and ready to mount, where as I am thinking "what the hell do I want to show all these people?!"
Anyway, I graduate in 3 ish months so I'm finding it very hard to care about school right now. (the weather is also being amazingly awesome which adds onto the bad concentration during school factor.) Weather--that reminds me. One of the dads at the preschool told me today that the farmer's almanac is for-telling another 30 inches of snow on the 15th. I know, "farmer's almanac! HAH your crazy for believing that old stuff" that is completely how I reacted, at least until the dad went "Why not? They predicted all the other snow before it happened too." Thats when I thought "well....fuck." I honestly can not handle ANOTHER 30 freaking inches of snow....*crosses fingers*

Chocolate Giant- reference to Miracle at St.Anna which came to mind whilst watching American Idol. I don't feel like elaborating just yet, my back is kinda hurting. =]

Write again soon.

Meal of the day: Salad with cashews, sunflower seeds, tofu, grape tomato and dressing
Song of the day: Slow Cheetah by Red Hot Chili Peppers

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