Sunday, March 28, 2010


So the official start of SPRING BREAK was yesterday, and as a sort of initiation into a week of fun my friend and I took a day trip up to the beach. We left at 7, after meeting at a park and ride, hoped in my car...and realized I really needed to buy gas. So we made a pit-stop at a local BP station, grabbed some coffees and then proceeded on our way.
This was my first official "long distance" (since the beach is 150 miles away) trip without any parental supervision I was feeling the freedom vibe. Rocking out to a mixed cd I had made for the trip, and having the windows open despite the fact that it was 40 degrees outside was exactly what I had in mind.
We started off having the GPS system on, but we got really annoyed with the obnoxious female voice beckoning us to do stupid things, so we shut it off and figured we would just rely on common sense to get us there. At least until we got lost.
After about an hour of drinking coffee and home brewed iced tea (yum) we really had to pee. The only place to stop en route was this broken down shell station with a...interesting...looking man standing outside. We decided that should we be attacked I would go for the groin and she would smash the face. Of course our plan didn't have to go into action, we merely walked in, asked for a bathroom, got pointed to the back corner of the station (..sketchy) did what we had to do, then left.
Soon we started seeing signs for the Bay Bridge. In my mind the jaws theme song started playing. I had never driven across a big bridge, must less a 7 mile long one. I had ridden in the passenger seat and gawked at the height of the bridge over water, but I had not driven it. As we got closer and closer my nerves started more and more. Then we payed the toll to cross and I realized I actually had to do this. My clever road-tripping buddy captured the moment we got on:
Hey, at least I was facing my fears. right?

So we got to the beach by ten. Now, thats 150 miles in a about 2.5 hours. I think we made damn good time, that might have been because of my not obeying the speed limits, but who really does anyway?
We had packed this bombin lunch to eat on the beach. Determined in our ways, we went out with a blanket and set it up:
it was DELICIOUS. In case your curious, that puke-ish looking green stuff is called Sog
(spelled right?) It basically spinach blender-ed up into delicious amazingness. Tribe hummus is the
hummus I'm always talking about thats delicious. We also had corn flakes, tomatoes, celery, goldfish, tuna,
more tea, pita bread, and something else I can't think of right now.
But it was mad cold so we had to leave xP
We ended up just taking bunches of photographs and chilling the whole day. It was really fun and great
and I'm quite happy we did it. I would post more pictures except for everytime I do I have to move them all
the way down to the bottom which is kind of a pain in the arse. Is there an easier way to do that?

Anyway, making cabbage leaves filled with tofu for dinner tonight (hahahah, should be fun trying to stuff a
Let you know how that goes xP

Meal of the day: Cabbage stuffed leaves
Song of the day: Mellow Yellow by Donovan

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