Thursday, March 18, 2010

Quiet Mind...ok, maybe not.

PHEW. I am done. Just completely and utterly done. Done with school and calculus and writing a stupid thesis about Dorian Grey and John Merrick. IM DONE.
Do you think any one would notice if I just stopped going to school?
Alright, so they might notice....but I can at least dream about not going to school. I can't really explain why I feel so completely done with this, pardon my french, shit but I can say that lately it has been 40 degrees when I wake up and 70 by the time I'm out of school. The sun has been shining and the skys have been blue and I just can't stand being stuck in a classroom sitting on metal chairs till my ass goes numb.

Hmph. I guess I should stop complaining since I will be done in less than 8 weeks. So why don't I?(I'm sure you would rather here me not rant about school).

So, I had a rather interesting day at work. Well today AND yesterday really. Which almost never really happens to me since I get very irritated with the kiddies by wednesday. We got this memo in our "mailboxes" at work that read "I've (my boss) been getting some complaints from parents lately about staff, especially afternoon staff (that would be me + others) sitting around talking. This is not how we want to present ourselves to parents, and is NOT what we are paid for." Basically, my boss was saying get up off your ass and play with the kids. Now, to be completely honest I really do feel that I put in a large effort to entertain the kids. In case you haven't noticed by past blogs, I've had some rather interesting experiences at work. But when I read this my first thought was "do I play with them enough??" and so by cause and effect, I played hardcore with the kids on tuesday when we went out to the playground. Literally, my legs were sore the next day because I had played tag for 80 minutes straight. So when we went inside at 5.30 on tuesday I checked my mailbox to get my own personal memo (I had read a co-workers rather than mine earlier). When I picked it up there was a note written on the bottom; "This, dear Laura, does NOT apply to you." Im da shit yea, Im da shit. So, turns out I DO play with the kids enough and my boss loves me for it. However, nothing has changed, the same people who sit in the shade until 5.30 are still sitting in the shade, while me and 2 other teens are constantly running up and down the stairs to take kids to the potty.
I admit, its ridiculous but my boss doesn't really have the stamina to straight out accuse the lazy people.
Today I played in the sand box. I made a pretty beefy sand castle with one of the two year olds, Courtney. But everytime we would make it this little boy, Jack (aka the hell raiser) would come over about a minute later and destroy it. It took my best efforts to distract him that finally allowed it to stay up for maybe 3 and a half minutes. None the less, by the end of the day Jack and I were bunkered down in the sand making "blueberry mac and cheese" and "green bagels with strawberry yogurt". Delicious, I know.

On a topic completely different than work, I got home today and prompted my sister to do a photo shoot. Once I edit them and figure out which ones I like I'll post some. Hah, I know I always say I'll post pictures and never really do, but I really will try to remember this time x] We had a really great time. I wanted to capture water falling out of a mug for some effect in the picture. Everytime my sister would dump the mug out all the water would splash all over me. And in order to get the picture I would have to count to three and she would drop the water on three. So by the end my counting sounded like "okay, ONE, TWO, ahhhhhhhh *covered in water*"
By the time we were done getting soaked we decided burritos were in order and had to make a pajama dressed run to the nearest grocery store to buy tortillas. Came home and ate the necessary dosage of refried beans and other delicious food. After that we played some hardcore Dance Dance Revolution. And now I am pooped and gave up trying to write my senior english paper. screw it.

Meal of the day: Burritos with vanilla yogurt for dessert
Song of the day: Quiet Mind by Blue October

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