Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cats and Dime bags

At work again. I've only been here an hour but I have nothing to do. I brought homework but I really don't feel like bothering with it. I have a math exam later that weighs pretty heavily on my grade for the class which I should definitely be concerned about but since I abhor math I just can't bring myself to do it at 10:00 in the morning. I wish I was sleeping.
I watched Black Swan last night. Very intense movie, but not so much what I expected. The final performance/conclusion of the movie was fantastic though, I couldn't stop watching. They did a good job tying all the bits and pieces together. Natalie Portman is a good actress too even though I heard about all the hype from her winning the Best Actress Award, and how the actual ballerinas were pissed.
Anyway, I went to bed at like 11:00 so I don't understand why I am so ridiculously tired this morning. I feel like my eyes are really droopy and I have no incentive to do anything. I was walking to return my movie this morning and some girls were behind me being really loud. For some reason, that was SUPER irritating. Maybe it's because it's supposed to rain today and its been nice out the past couple of days so rain just seems very day-ruining. I also have to do perspective drawings later *barf*.
Nonetheless, going to a club tonight, yeah yeahhhhhh. And I don't have class tomorrow, double yeah yeahhhh. AND, I'm going to a yoga convention with Beks tomorrow and might possibly win an under armor shirt (which I normally can't afford to own). This will be the third time this week I have done yoga, except this is going to be SUPER long tomorrow (two hours). I went last night and the teacher was Sid, who is the owner of the whole facility. He is much more laid back about the yoga. Which means he tells us stories about his cat finding dime bags on the street while we are suffering in downward dog. Anyway it was a great workout by I am super sore today and I feel like a big bloated whale for some reason.
Maybe I should try a liquid diet...just kidding.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sweet Jesus

Dear sweet Jesus I am so freaking bored at work. I have been here since 8 AM. Since then I have managed to do absolutely nothing. I finished reading my book yesterday and literally have no homework. Well, I have homework just nothing I can do while sitting in this office.
I actually have to make a video narrative, silent style. I have been thinking and researching ideas all day long but I still haven't found an idea for something I like yet. I'm really annoyed because I've had fantastic ideas in the past for videos, I just never wrote them down or thought they would come to use. So now, I am stuck and it's my own darn fault. We're supposed to have video to work on in class tomorrow....I hope I can muster something up by then.
I'm also doing some pine cone drawings for my other art class. They're pretty cool. At first I thought pine cones were insanely complicated and I had no idea where to begin drawing them since they essentially look the same all over. But it's pretty easy once you just start doodling. Hopefully my final piece will look good for when its due on Thursday.
Super excited cause I get to see Matt tonight! I called him while I was walking over to grab some lunch earlier and he was like, "So..whats Corrine doing tonight?" and I was like "She actually has plans!" and he was like "well..I don't suppose I could come over then?" and I was like, "You can ALWAYS come over. In fact, you pretty much should always come over. Come over now." Well, okay I lied. I didn't really say that whole last sentence but nonetheless, he's coming over. I'm excited. What are we going to do? I have no idea. I don't think that there is anything fun and interesting happening in the University tonight. He gets out of work around 9.00 so that means he will be getting here around 9.30. So, yeah I don't know what we will do.
Beka and I did hot yoga again last night. I really need a picture of us in our yogi gear to post. Alright, that is MISSION OF THE WEEKEND! I will get a picture, I will, I will.
Really odd though. One of my favorite poses to do is the tree pose (mostly because it's like the one I am super good at). Right after we did Eagle the instructor was like "okay, now take a breath with your eyes shut to regain your breathing" and as soon as I shut my eyes I started to black out. So, of course, I opened them again and everything started to phase out like when your donating blood (or at least when I donate blood) and there's just not enough oxygen in your system. So I had to not do tree pose and go into child's pose so I wouldn't fall over in front of Marcus...which would be very very very embarrassing.
I got up again though because I didn't just want to leave yoga. I think the reason I almost passed out might have been because I had really only eaten an abundance of fruit that day, and I didn't drink coffee except for 3 sips at Trader Joe's (because they had free samples of Fair Trade coffee...with Stevia. How could I resist?) right before class. So I think my body was like wiggin out about that.
We're going to this yoga convention my school's putting on that sponsored by Under Armor. I'm really excited to go. It's going to be like 400 or 500 people I think and its from 6-8. So two hours of yoga in a huge room with tons of other people! Really excited to try  it out. There's something about having to try when other people are in the room that makes me keep on going, and pushing to hold a stance better. For example, last night I was having fo real problems holding "dancer" (which ill show a picture of) with my left food grounded. But as soon as we switched to the left side, Marcus was like "kick kick kick. There you go! Perfect." and I was like "dammmmnnnnnn right its perfect. BOO yah bitches." And so that made me feel better about failing on doing tree.

Sorry this blog is so long winded. I am just so distressed at not having anything to do at work I have to preoccupy myself with something.

My boss was supposed to be back in the office tomorrow but his flight was delayed and so he probably won't be in until the afternoon. Even then, I think he's crazy for coming in. He is flying from South Africa, to Baltimore and then coming to work. That's quite a long commute, don't ya think? Why not just take a little extra time off to relax and destress before coming back to a crazy office full of notes that your assistant (*cough me cough*) has been taking all week and most likely screw ups as well?

Oh boy. I can't think of anything else interesting to write about. So I guess this will be the end of my oh so interesting blog for today.

Go, do yoga.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Man, I feel like a woman

Alright darlings. I have some news.
Last night I went to my first ever drag show! I had been texting with my best (gay) friend, Phillip, throughout the entirety of my three hour long math class, which not only puts me to sleep but somehow seems my make me chew an extensive 10 sticks of gum out of boredom. When I found out he was going to a Drag show that night, I jumped on the chance and told him to count me in.
Not going to lie though, I was totally nervous walking in. I was dressed in a pretty normal lacey tank top, black tights and a black skirt. The girls in front of me were wearing tight pink dresses with yellow heels, marilyn monroe sequins dresses and I think one had a corset on. Was I really ready?
PFFTT. How could I have doubted?
I was uncontrollably laughing when I walked in and a gay guy was singing "Geek in Pink" which simultaneously half stripping on stage. What's half stripping you might ask? I don't know, but she did it.
Soon the announcer popped up on stage wearing a leotard, silver heels and fishnets. Screamed into the mic: "OKAY LADDDIIESSSSS, what do we want?! 'WE WANT PUSSY WE WANT PUSSY'" Everyone started in on the chant....including myself. What can I say, I'm a follower.
The performers started to get a little better as far as dancing goes. Lucky lucky me, sitting in the front row. One of them, whose name was something-something Peacock..I think, spotted me and came right on over...While singing, started dry humping me. So while shes busy doing that, I'm busy laughing my ass off and trying not to have her ta tas in my face, which was pretty much impossible since she was sitting on me. Darling Phill got a picture, featured at the left. Obviously, I was enjoying myself.

Anyway, it's a lot of fun. I had an absolutely great time. I was shocked at how much make up they wear. Their faces are literally caked in foundation and eyeshadow. I can say, without any shame, that they are better at make up and booty shaking than me. However, that's totally gonna change because I am determined to learn how to dance now.

I also got some other TOP NOTCH photos:

Classy, eh??

One of my favorite bloggers, Sassy Curmudgeon, is doing a make up contest. Maybe with new products I can make a new me! And then, along with Phillip, I can conquer a drag show...even though I'm not gay.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I am a yogi.

        So, last week, on Monday to be precise I went to my first ever Vinyasa yoga class. There's this center near my university that does donation based yoga classes. They suggest a $10 donation, but I usually muster up enough to give $5. You walk into the studio, which is heated to an astounding 90 degrees, and roll out your mat and yoga towel. The class I go to is about 90 minutes long, and super hard core. The first week I know I looked ridiculous because I was some what unsuccessful at finding my balance. But this week I noticed a lot of improvements. Our instructor, whose name is Marcus, tells you in the beginning to "make a goal for yourself for this class, today" and so my goal was basically just to push myself as hard as I could, take fewer breaks (unless absolutely necessary) and sit further back in the Queens and Kings poses. My sister, Beka, comes with me every Monday as well. Last week she had to step out half way through because she felt a black out coming on. Of course, she had ran 3 miles and elliptical-ed before class, so the fact that she felt like passing out only makes sense. Her goal, apparently, was to "not pass out", which, I can say, she successfully reached. It is an amazing class though, and I am totally and completely a yogi now. I love yoga. I want to do it everyday, I want to go to retreats, I want to do yoga in Bali, I want to be one of those crazy 60 year old grand mothers who can stand on their head. That, my friends, is my goal.
         Beka and I have decided that after 90 minutes of yoga we can most definitely treat ourselves to a delicious dinner. We decided to go to this vegetarian/vegan cafe in town. It was so incredibly nice out today (a whooping 80 degrees) so when we got there we asked to sit outside. Little did we know, the wind would soon blow with enough effort to push our tea pot inches from the edge of the table. I think we both had like heart attacks when the wind blew at one point and pushed our knives, napkins and lettuce off the table. I went running after my napkin at one point, making myself look completely sane of course. It stopped for a moment, and for some reason I stopped too, but then another gust came and it blew it onto the road, so, following it, I ran into a road to retrieve my supposedly "biodegradable" napkin. Beka was hysterically laughing at me when I returned with a triumphant look. Quite the entertainer I was.
         My boss is currently in South Africa on a vacation, so I'm in the office all by myself answering phone calls, reading articles off of and blogging. I read this article 10 minutes ago about a supposed serial killer in the New York area. They've found what they think to be 9 bodies related to the killer so far, and they said all the woman killed had posted prostitution services on sites like Craigslist. Can you say creepy? Its Jack the Ripper in the modern day. So messed up, and unbelievable.
        Anyway, I've only been at work for about 2 hours...(started at 8:00) and I am here until 3:00 pm. I have no idea whatsoever to do with myself. I'm sorta reading this book by Chelsea Handler which is hilarious. But reading makes me sleepy so I have to do that on and off.
       Corrine was actually in the room last night when I got home after my yoga and dinner session with Beka. It was good to catch up, and nice to finally see her. She told me about this zombie dream she had where she basically had to desert her brother which he was getting engulfed by zombies. She has odd dreams.
       My tab button is not working. It's really freaking spaces are going to be all messed up on this blog now. Ah well, my blogs usually aren't up to par.
       Hopefully seeing Matthew tonight! Excited. It's been a whole...3 days. Wow, that's it? I feel like it's been weeks. Blah, I hate school.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I keep on going up and down on this whole college life experience and weather or not I like it. Sometimes I am perfectly content with understanding and believing in who I am, while at other times, if I could I would definitely go back to middle school and change the course of my life completely. I think that the university I am at right now is not right for me at all. It's a big school, so there's a lot of students (about 16000 to be exact) which of course means a lot of different types of people. I am not used to having so many people around ALL THE TIME. And, while at first I was good with having a big school (because of the opportunity to make loads of new friends and what not) I find that a shit load more difficult than it seems. People here have found their friends, or made friends of friends and they seem perfectly content with not wanting any more..which makes it hard for me to squirm my way into hanging out with the seemingly chill people. blows. I should have joined the peace corp and learned more about who the hell I actually am.
   Spose this is just me complaining, I am sure that I'm just being stupid. I should have chosen a different fucking school. What the fuck. This is probably the biggest regret of my life thus far. WHY. what the hell was going through my head when I thought attending school 20 minutes from my house would be fun. I need to get out of maryland. OUT. out out out. -.-
     Can I just reverse time somehow? Why is there no space machine that can do that yet. I am furious. OKay, not furious, just mildly depressed....I think I have watched a whole season of Bones so far this semester.
    okay, just texted my buddy alex in the hopes that he will be willing to drive out here...hang out and do something with this horrible existence that is my life. lol SAVE ME ALEX. I should probably make a note here that this is mostly sarcasm. I really don't hate my life, but making fun of it seems to help. =]
  Okay I'm going to go call people and do something. ACTION IS ACTION, and i need action. In a purely non sexual way...I'm okay on those terms xD love ya matthew.

song of the day:  Diamond in the sun by Sean Hayes
Meal of the day: Mother's delicious italian wedding cake. omfg.