Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Imma be"....sleeping in a half an hour

Recently discovered the sneaky (in an awesome way) song Imma Be by the Black Eyed Peas, and the wicked album cover featuring a bee. That my friends is a pun. Gotta give em props. So my ghetto (for where I live) friend and I have been groovin to our jam constantly. Okay, maybe not constantly...but a lot. (Does anyone else find it odd that I just incorporated the words "ghetto" and "groovin" in the same sentence?)

So today is Sunday. I woke up at 9 to get ready for church. It was "youth sunday" which means that all the middle school/high schoolers lead the service. I had to be that person that introduces all the prayers and junk. I actually got pretty enthusiastic about it. I figured if I'm already awake at nine in the morning, standing in front of a sanctuary full of people and rockin' a new scarf, I could manage to put some effort into delivering my "Please join me in our worship with the Lord" which was read more like "Please join me in worshipping our great GOD!" Apparently everyone liked it cause people kept on coming up to me after and telling me how great of a job I did. Thank you, thank you very much. *bows*

Now that I checked that off my things to do on sunday list, I went to Matt's house where we were supposed to watch my recently bought [from goodwill for two bucks!] movie, Richie Rich. Mmmhm. Richie Rich, the kid with a McDonald's in his mansion. Well, I didn't end up checking that one off because we got preoccupied with were we watching?

After Matt's I came back home and made teriyaki tofu!! It was drool worthy. Well, to be honest, it could have used another 8 hours of marinating but I had no patience and was quite hungry so I waited the minimum of an hour. I also enjoyed a delicious florida orange that I jacked from my best friend, (don't worry, they were aware of the stealing.) I've been kind of spoiled with clementines which are generally when I ate the florida orange I couldn't help but wish it didn't have seeds. I hate when grapes have seeds....the only fruit that is delicious with seeds is strawberries. Did you know that on average a strawberry has 200 seeds?? Pretty crazy. 

Meal of the day: Bowl of cheerios with strawberries
Song of the day: Imma be by the Black Eyed Peas

Saturday, February 20, 2010

OWC and crazy drivers

Last night I had delicious fun. After waiting 15 minutes for Matt at a Rutters (gas station) in the middle of nowhere, we rumbled our way to his friend Jerry's. Where I not only played the game "Bottles" (ever heard of it?) but also "President" (aka Asshole) AND this new one I learned called "Thumper". Great fun. We left around 1.30 cause I had to drop Matt back off at his place and then head home myself. Got home around 2.15 am, couldn't fall asleep from guilt, so I watched Titanic. When I say I "watched" it, I mean I fast-forwarded to my favorite part of the movie which is when Rose and Jack go down into the 3rd class party and dance to crazy irish music. I'm pretty sure that after that I fell asleep, but I was woken at 4.30 am by a phone call. Who calls someone at 4.30 in the morning? Tom. Thats who.

I remember picking up and him going "wow you actually answered. I wasn't expecting you to answer...." me: "whats up tommy? how was your night?" him: "great fun. Ummm...I just wanted to call you, I was going to leave you a hilarious voicemail, but now that you've answered....I guess I can't do that." me: " can't as I am listening to you right now." him: "yes....well...goodnight laura, I love you and I miss you" me: "night tommy, love ya too, see you tomorrow on our adventure into baltimore." him: "yup....night"

For a conversation at 4.30 in the morning, after we had both had quite a night of *cough* fun I think it was pretty damn eventful. 

So, the next morning I woke up at 11.32 (slept in-ish!) and went downstairs for some breakfast....saw we only had about half a cup of cheerios, gasped, and had to mix it with another type of cereal. Of course, after doing so and adding milk, mumsy dear came in and unearthed an entirely new box of cheerios! Ah well, that was just one of those moments where you go "crap happens" and move on. So I did.
I moved on up to my room, it became 1.30, Matt called asked what I was doing and when my response was "going to baltimore for some food with tom and alex" he went "how ya getting there?" I picked up on the cue and invited him along as well. With tommy's mom's van we all wheeled our way up to One World Cafe in B'more. (OWC, by the way, is da shiz niz! It's this vegetarian/vegan cafe near JHU that serves scrumptious food that's incredibly healthy and makes you feel amazing." It was quite an interesting drive seeing as the snow on the streets usually covered half of one side, thus resulting in crazy drivers driving crazily. Nonetheless, we made it home safe and sound and I have half a wrap to eat tomorrow.

Anyway, really fun day. Tomorrow shall be eventful as well =] Hope everyone is doing fantastically.

Meal of the day: OWC wrap (sprouts, pesto sauce, tomato, lettuce, guacamole,              secret ingredient)
Song of the day: Fuck you by Lily Allen

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

Woke up this morning. Waited for Matt to call in a most uneventful way. By that I mean, I layed in bed until I decided he must be awake and just forgot to call. Then deciding to be stubborn, I made a resolution not to call him. My friend Katie (aka Stretts) had proposed the idea of chillin' the night before, so I took matters into my hands and gave her a ring.
"Hell yah, lets hang out. Wanna watch Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs?"

So as we settled down in her freezing basement to watch a movie geared toward 8 year olds I found myself realizing how much I watch movies and TV. Also how much I'm really getting sick of it.

I would like to challenge myself to not watching TV for a week. *gasp*
I know. Insanity! But why the hell not?! I'm pretty sure I can live without watching the newest Simpson's episode and engulf myself in the works of David Sedaris or the amazing photojournalist Dan Eldon (who, by the way, has become one of my idols). OR can I?

Just take it a day at a time Laura, day at a time.

On a different topic, after watching Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and thoroughly enjoying the wit of Flint, I went to work (for the first time in a week and 2 days!) got incredibly bored with myself and made a list of all the things I want to do this summer. Hopefully I'll be able to slowly check them off as the time goes by.

I can't WAIT for the summer. I have some mega plans in the making, and I demand they go into action starting on the first 75 degree day.

My dad knocked on my door about 15 minutes ago. "You got a minute?" Of course I had a minute for my darling father. When he entered Che de Laura we sat on my bed and he proceed to thank me for the charming Valentines day card I had made him. But he also told me to basically follow my heart and realize that there are "people in this world who just can't understand that you aren't meant for the mainstream and that making 401 K is just not for you". My dad is an amazing man, and I know he believes in me more than anyone else on this earth. At the same time I don't talk to him as much as we used to when I was, say, 8? We used to read the Lorax and then pray for the people of Cuba together. We had a binder of poetry that we used to share once a week. We'd write a new famous work and then read it too each other. Going back and reading it now I realize how much my daddy loves me (awe) and how good he is at expressing his opinion in so many different ways. All in all, I plan to not plan my future and just got with what the hell ever happens to me. And I think that sounds like a pretty damn good plan.

I've started a "life book" or "altered book" however you want to call it. I might post some pictures of its "inners" sometime soon.

Meal of the day: Veggie Burger with an apple
Song of the day: Kisses and Cake by John Powell

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The "Hallmark" Holiday

WELL happy valentines day to everyone. It's only 11.27 in the morning, but none the less I'm sure people are already getting ready to have amazing dinners, great conversations, and enjoying brilliant love-able company.
Obviously, this isn't so much true for me at the moment. Really I'm just sitting in my room...obviously writing (and of course jamming to romance ballads). And apparently having a tough time at writing since every other word is being marked by the ominous red dotted line that indicts mis-spelling. I'm not worried though because I could care much less about writing errors right now. 

Want to know why?

Matt doesn't really view Valentines day as an actual holiday. Which I can understand, I mean think about all the big bucks corporate companies like Hallmark, Hershey, and whoever makes those little sweet hearts, make on Valentines day. They do indeed probably rake in enough money to feed a third world country for a month. From this point of view, I don't really need to look any different than any other day, or say anything different, or act any different, but none the less I still feel that Valentines has some meaning. 
Think about all the serendipity moments happening today! I'm sure some romance is in the air and that at least one couple will find each other and live happily ever after. And don't bother with telling me that I'm just being ridiculous and that love happens every day in amazing ways. It does, and I know that. But something about Valentines day just gets everyone in a lovely mood, and you can't help but smile at the husband you see walking down the street caring roses, or the girl smiling as she holds her boyfriends hand. It makes you happy. And that is at least one reason to have an amazing day, whether it be Valentines day or not.

So since this is only my second Valentines day whilst having a "significant other" I am going to dress up, smell good, and go out and have a happy "hallmark" holiday. 

I hope your is amazing too darling!!

Meal of the day: Anything, of course candle light is mandatory.
Song of the day: Why Can't I by Liz Phair (yes....the classic chick song)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

would you like a snack with that?

Today I had a great experience, I met the most amazing cashier ever in my entire life.
I can't remember his name, but he gave me coffee with the most cheer anyone could possibly manage to have.
"Hello! How are you!?!" I almost looked behind me because the way he said it was as if I had known him for 6 years and hadn't seen him in 3 months. 
Im good! How are you?!
"Fantastic. I'm having a great day back here *grin* What can I get you?"
Ermmm hm...just a regular coffee please *grin back*
"Would you like our regular blend or our organic?"
HE JUST SAID ORGANIC COFFEE was all that ran through my mind, and my face must have lit up because i went Organic!!!! and he went
"Good choice! *goes to make laura's coffee*
when he came back he looked me straight in the eyes and went "Would you like a snack with that? A blueberry muffin? Scone?"
Now honestly, I am TRYING to diet dearies. My will power must have been off the charts because I went No thanks even though I realized he just made me very hungry.

When my sister and I walked away afterwords I went Don't you just want one of him to keep in your purse so that you can whip it out when your in a shitty mood? Like Morph in Treasure Planet but coffee man style? and she went
"I'll take three."
NOW, this has all brought me to the conclusion that becoming a cafe cashier is my teenage dream and I must fulfill it. I really want to spread cheer like this guy did! Honestly he was the bomb diggity. I'm going to have to go buy organic coffee from boarders more often now.

Meal of the day: Homemade pizza (with black olives and green peppers)
Song of the day: Love you Till the End by The Progues

Monday, February 1, 2010

heart shaped bruises..or just the regular ones.

Somehow I have managed to get a bruise on the top of my foot. How? I really don't know. I seem to bruise really easily. When I got back from trucking around NYC for a day I woke up with about 4 quarter sized bruises placed spontaneously around my body. When Beka, my sister, asked me what the hell I did, all I could say was "I have a bruise?"
I got back from work today, went to get into some jim-jams (aka pajamas) and found a bruise about 3 centimeters up from my belly button. honestly? My belly button?  I would like an answer, yet at the same time, making up crazy stories of how they might have gotten there is much more interesting. For example:
Random Person: "Laura, how on earth did you get a bruise on your belly button??!?"
Me: "You didn't hear about the influx of jellyfish inhabiting the Baltimore Aquarium!?"
Random Person: "influx?...of jellyfish?"
Me: "Yeah, wow I'm surprised you didn't hear! It was all over the front page of the Sun                 [newspaper]! Yeah, 'Jellyfish Break Through Glass in Aquarium and Attack 
Innocent' Huge story....I was one of the innocent."
Random Person: "You innocent? Damn, your a bad liar."

Now I remember why I didn't pursue writing.

Meal of the day: Tomato Soup with Basil
Song of the day: Toothpaste Kisses by The Maccabees