Saturday, February 20, 2010

OWC and crazy drivers

Last night I had delicious fun. After waiting 15 minutes for Matt at a Rutters (gas station) in the middle of nowhere, we rumbled our way to his friend Jerry's. Where I not only played the game "Bottles" (ever heard of it?) but also "President" (aka Asshole) AND this new one I learned called "Thumper". Great fun. We left around 1.30 cause I had to drop Matt back off at his place and then head home myself. Got home around 2.15 am, couldn't fall asleep from guilt, so I watched Titanic. When I say I "watched" it, I mean I fast-forwarded to my favorite part of the movie which is when Rose and Jack go down into the 3rd class party and dance to crazy irish music. I'm pretty sure that after that I fell asleep, but I was woken at 4.30 am by a phone call. Who calls someone at 4.30 in the morning? Tom. Thats who.

I remember picking up and him going "wow you actually answered. I wasn't expecting you to answer...." me: "whats up tommy? how was your night?" him: "great fun. Ummm...I just wanted to call you, I was going to leave you a hilarious voicemail, but now that you've answered....I guess I can't do that." me: " can't as I am listening to you right now." him: "yes....well...goodnight laura, I love you and I miss you" me: "night tommy, love ya too, see you tomorrow on our adventure into baltimore." him: "yup....night"

For a conversation at 4.30 in the morning, after we had both had quite a night of *cough* fun I think it was pretty damn eventful. 

So, the next morning I woke up at 11.32 (slept in-ish!) and went downstairs for some breakfast....saw we only had about half a cup of cheerios, gasped, and had to mix it with another type of cereal. Of course, after doing so and adding milk, mumsy dear came in and unearthed an entirely new box of cheerios! Ah well, that was just one of those moments where you go "crap happens" and move on. So I did.
I moved on up to my room, it became 1.30, Matt called asked what I was doing and when my response was "going to baltimore for some food with tom and alex" he went "how ya getting there?" I picked up on the cue and invited him along as well. With tommy's mom's van we all wheeled our way up to One World Cafe in B'more. (OWC, by the way, is da shiz niz! It's this vegetarian/vegan cafe near JHU that serves scrumptious food that's incredibly healthy and makes you feel amazing." It was quite an interesting drive seeing as the snow on the streets usually covered half of one side, thus resulting in crazy drivers driving crazily. Nonetheless, we made it home safe and sound and I have half a wrap to eat tomorrow.

Anyway, really fun day. Tomorrow shall be eventful as well =] Hope everyone is doing fantastically.

Meal of the day: OWC wrap (sprouts, pesto sauce, tomato, lettuce, guacamole,              secret ingredient)
Song of the day: Fuck you by Lily Allen

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