Sunday, February 14, 2010

The "Hallmark" Holiday

WELL happy valentines day to everyone. It's only 11.27 in the morning, but none the less I'm sure people are already getting ready to have amazing dinners, great conversations, and enjoying brilliant love-able company.
Obviously, this isn't so much true for me at the moment. Really I'm just sitting in my room...obviously writing (and of course jamming to romance ballads). And apparently having a tough time at writing since every other word is being marked by the ominous red dotted line that indicts mis-spelling. I'm not worried though because I could care much less about writing errors right now. 

Want to know why?

Matt doesn't really view Valentines day as an actual holiday. Which I can understand, I mean think about all the big bucks corporate companies like Hallmark, Hershey, and whoever makes those little sweet hearts, make on Valentines day. They do indeed probably rake in enough money to feed a third world country for a month. From this point of view, I don't really need to look any different than any other day, or say anything different, or act any different, but none the less I still feel that Valentines has some meaning. 
Think about all the serendipity moments happening today! I'm sure some romance is in the air and that at least one couple will find each other and live happily ever after. And don't bother with telling me that I'm just being ridiculous and that love happens every day in amazing ways. It does, and I know that. But something about Valentines day just gets everyone in a lovely mood, and you can't help but smile at the husband you see walking down the street caring roses, or the girl smiling as she holds her boyfriends hand. It makes you happy. And that is at least one reason to have an amazing day, whether it be Valentines day or not.

So since this is only my second Valentines day whilst having a "significant other" I am going to dress up, smell good, and go out and have a happy "hallmark" holiday. 

I hope your is amazing too darling!!

Meal of the day: Anything, of course candle light is mandatory.
Song of the day: Why Can't I by Liz Phair (yes....the classic chick song)

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