Sunday, January 31, 2010

From Cuba to Miami to Baltimore, and back again

My dad gets back from cuba tonight...well actually from miami since he has to fly to miami from cuba and then into baltimore. His flight gets in at 1.20 AM. In the morning.....thats 5 hours before I am usually sitting in the school parking lot. That means that, if I go, I will be getting home at 2.20. Which means that I can sleep for 3.40 hours.
We start a new semester tomorrow, which means new classes, which means that IF I go to the airport with my darling mumsy to pick up my darling father I will be running on three hours of sleep and having to deal with new teachers.
I can't decide on if I want to go or not.....If I don't go, I wont see my dad until tomorrow night. I absolutely love going to airports, but I'm not quite sure I would love to go at 1.20 in the morning. You have to understand, that I quite enjoy sleeping.

Well, what I really love is dreaming. If dreaming was a sport I would be in the Olympics. Wow, how amazing would that be?! To have a sport where you just get to sleep and dream. I have crazy dreams, and I love them.
I asked some people once if they thought dreams meant anything, the general consensus was "no." But I just can not bring myself to believe that you would dream of something relevant to your life and have it mean absolutely nothing. HOW could you dream about an ex, run into them the next day and say "oh, it means nothing that I had this dream about you last night." No sir, it definitely means something. It means your subconscious is at work and thats its trying to tell you something dammit! So honestly dear bloggers, should you have a dream about a rabbit thats "late, very late" and running about with a pocket watch, please please take it seriously, and do not follow him into the rabbit hole.

Wow, what an interesting conversation that was. How on earth I got from Cuba to dreams is just a little baffling.

So today I woke up at 10.28 to the sound of my cell going off. *answers phone* "helloooo???" "Hey dude, I have a huge favor I need to ask of you..", "i just woke what?" "i need help moving my horse" "YOUR HORSE. fuck." 30 minutes later I'm standing outside in jeans and a hoodie waiting for my friend to pick me up so I can go and "help" her move her horse. An hour later and we are sitting in her car waiting for the trailer driver to show up. Another hour passes and we are digging about in her room for some horse legal papers that basically say her horse doesn't have some killer disease. Another hour later and my friend is now being hung upside down by "Julius", a half puerto rican half german guy who is about 3 times my size. Ask me how this happen? no idea. Nonetheless, here is my friend hanging upside down laughing hysterically, her horse learning the new boundaries of the electrical fence, and me kicking snow. Quite an interesting day. I must say I don't normally wake up with the hopes of carrying horse stuff from the barn to the jeep and back to a new barn, BUT I rather enjoyed myself.

Meal of the day: Chicken Pot Pie (just cause the crust tastes SO good)
Song of the day: Untouched and Intact by Honorary Title

Saturday, January 30, 2010

My own wee little island

I was talking to my friend the other day about what we would do if we had a whole island to ourselves and what we would do with it.

AN ISLAND. that leads to countless possibilities, like having tiki tiki parties, singing Yo Ho and bottle of rum around a fire pit, and making shacks out of logs. After deciding, it would be essential to be billionaires to own our own island we thought, why we are at it let throw in a water park! I don't know if anyone reading this has been to Hershey Park in PA, BUT they have the most fun water playground thingy. Its 4 stories, filled with HUGE buckets that drop gallons of water on people, sprinklers, water slides (loveee water slidesss), and hoses that extend so you can spray people. Add all of this plus some teenagers, college frats and wa-bam: great time. With a water park, and an ocean near by might as well have a couple of boats. Mainly for two reasons; 1. You could sing "Im on a boat" by lonely planet till the sun rises 2. You'd be on a boat, there's nothing awesomer than partying on a boat.

Okay I lied, there are lots of more "awesomer" things than partying on boats. But it scores pretty high up there.

what would YOU do with an island? That my question. I'm still thinking of things....

Its snowing...again. I just want some sunshine =[ The snow's sposed to last till late tonight which basically means i'm snowed in....which means I will probably clean my room at some point in time. I don't especially like cleaning my room, but when you are stuck in your house with nothing else to your room always seems to prevail. I need some more creative ideas. Any ideas?

I'll probably blog again today =]]

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


So I'm in this art class called Design Art Tech Application (aka DATA) in which I usually end up doing nothing more than goof around with friends, except for today. I found out we have a FINAL. Art classes can have finals? Shenanigans. So I had to become crafty and ended up making this portfolio for a make believe cafe (Ca Louise). This is what I came up with:

That's just the business card....We also had to make an envelope, stationary letterhead, and folder cover. After finishing everything and formatting it I was pleasantly informed that "it wasn't going to be graded". Kidding? I'm not.

i love finals.

But its all okay because I'm making pita bread pizza for dinner! If you've never had pita bread, you should go out to the store and hook yourself up with some. While your at it throw in some classic Tribe humus, and BAM you have a delicious meal. I could live off humus. Humus and tofu. Thats where it's at.

Ever since I've become vegetarian I've found these nifty things to eat, that despite appearances (sometimes) are delicious. Though I won't lie, when someone says "breakfast sausage" my stomach starts to rumble. Sausage, bacon, chicken, steak.....oh the glories of it all.

Well, I haven't had a very exciting or event filled day SO I'm going to conclude this blog right about now.
Till next time, ta ta.

Meal of the day: PIta bread and Tribe hummus
Song of the day: Iko-Iko by Zap Mama

Monday, January 25, 2010

My life be like...ohh rah!

Well, HELLO again 

The weekend has past insanely quickly and my sadness over it is abundant. I woke up at 5.20 this morning from the crazy wind outside that was making loads of noise. I went to school around 6.30 and after chillin with some friends till 7.00 we headed into the library to print some stuff out and I actually got asked "How are you?" My reaction: "Its 7.00 on a monday morning. I'm tired." I think I might have scared the guy a little, but he likes a good joke so when anatomy rolled around later (the class I have with him) he was back to his old self.  Note to self: Be less sarcastic in the morning.

Anyway back to the weekend, hung out with Matt (my boyfriend) pretty much everyday. We went to a friend's house on saturday night and had a really great time. There were a couple of "perfect" moments that I'm really happy happened. Of course, all I can think about in school is those moments rather than "Political Geography, and the effects of ethnocentric distribution". Nonetheless, top notch weekend even though waking up early on sunday morning was more difficult than it should have been. 

I invited Matt to try this tofu I had made one night for dinner. I thought it was the best thing in existence (and I've had it the past 3 nights for dinner). I asked him if he liked it, and after going "its...okay." and me going "no, really, did you like it? Would you eat it again?" and his response; "its...okay." I figured out he wouldn't eat it again. So when we were talking with some of his guy friends I asked around if any of them liked tofu. The reactions:
"Hell no." *eye roll* "...nooooooooo" "nope." and "what's tofu?"
The basic conclusion being I know no men that like tofu. Do you??

On a totally irrelevant topic, the kiddies at work are getting to be ridiculously sick. Two were out for fever, and one was out for puking. Apparently the stomach flu is going around AGAIN. I have already suffered the damn virus once and I demand not to again. It made all the kids emotionally unstable. When I asked one girl to wait a sec for juice I got cried at. When one girl took away another girl's cup she started crying. Not just normal two year old crying, oh no. This was wailing, hardcore tears and the occasional high pitched screech that only a 2 year old can manage to make. It was RIDICULOUS. 
With my creativity bursting I found one of those fake doctor kits, grabbed the pretend syringe-y needle thing and started asking if they wanted "shots" to feel better. They ended up giving me millions merely because they loved my pretend reaction of utter pain. Still, I had bundles of fun with my darling buddies and I think it's a good thing to act like a 2 year old every once in a while. Hell, I even started crying back at them. 

Doubt much of anyone can answer this, BUT the slim chance of someone knowing isn't impossible. Know a great karaoke bar in baltimore? If your answers "Yes" congratulations, you've just won my thanks.

Meal of the day: Flaffel with Tahini Sauce 
Song of the day: My life be like Ooh Ahh by Grits

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Rain Rain go the hell away

MAN. its raining like crap-o outside and I am so completely ready to drive to california and have some nice weather. 
I am literally completely out of creative ideas to do things. On my drive home I had this epiphany to make RAIN ART. Which would basically involve me painting with my feet and the rain splashing it around. I can't do any sort of "fine art" so I figured painting with my feet might be interesting. But then I got home and realized I didn't have any paint. So that plan failed. Then I thought I might cook something, but I had just eaten (and I'm on a *cough* diet.) So that didn't work out either. My friend invited me to come visit her at work. She works with horses, outside. The outside part didn't bother me (rain means MUD wresting!) but when it comes to horses I am a complete chicken. At least I admit it right?
So, now I am in my bedroom, writing this and listening to Good Charlotte. Yes, I'm aware that Good Charlotte is old school, and that they do have kind of whiny voices, BUT when I get bored I tend to rock out to those generic middle school aged bands (like GC and Simple Plan). Nope, I'm not ashamed of it.

I know that no one is really reading this yet, but I'm really interested in getting out of the house and going on a weekend trip to somewhere really outstanding. I live in Baltimore, so if you have any ideas for somewhere 5ish hours away that would be amazing of you =]

I'm thinking about taking up yoga. I couldn't do Bickram Yoga (when your doing yoga in a really really hot room). But regular yoga I could stand...I should check that out. 

NO SCHOOL TOMORROW. Yeesssssssssssssssssssss. I plan on going to the baltimore aquarium with my darling mother dear =] I'll take some pictures and post them should you all like. There is supposedly some really wicked jelly fishies xD

Alright well darlings, I am going to go back and retreat into my realm of boredom. 
Till next blog

Song of the day: The Click by Good Charlotte
Meal of the day: Vietnamese Tofu Sandwich (mmmm...tofu)

Monday, January 11, 2010

It will be my "Last Summer"

So, I really had a great day. I finally got my oil changed after going over the 3000 mile limit by 150 miles....I have to say, whenever I go over that I am constantly (really, CONSTANTLY) looking at the odometer and with every 10 miles accumulating I kind of groan and know that I will have to spend 40 bucks to have some guy change my oil when I could do it for 15 myself, if I only knew how. Maybe that will be my outstanding new year's resolution. 
By the way, does anyone REALLY have a good one? 
It seems that 2010 is kind of a laid back year, I haven't talked to anyone yet that had decided to completely alter their lives and live for the good of humanity. There's usually at least one. 
I have a couple of life altering things that will be happening this year. I'm graduating from high school in May (YES.) And then in the spring I'll be headed off to college (crap.)

I'm kind of excited for this whole college thing, but honestly mostly because I will be living on my own, have the chance to meet new people, and not deal with curfews. I'm really not looking forward to another 4 years of school, that will only be harder. Actually, I'm dreading another 4 years of school. I don't want to do it. But social standards have their place, and in my household, a very very high uppity place, unfortunately. 
For a while I was entertaining the idea of joining the Peace Corp (doesn't everyone?). But I'm not entirely sure I could live without a nice shower for more than 3 days. I just want to see the world, travel, and take eons of pictures. Would anyone be willing to just give me a couple million of dollars so I could live out my dream? 

Nope. I s'pose not.

Ah well, maybe I'll study Graphic Design, make bundles of money and then pay for myself to go everywhere. 

This is a completely different subject, but I am getting soooooo tired of winter. Usually I'm the one advocating Mr.Frost...but this year, I miss swimming in the local rivers, having bonfires with friends, biking, pretending to run, reading outside, and looking at the sun and thinking "wow, its really bright out." Of course I know that when summer actually does come and I am encountering 90 + degree weather I'll be going "Screw this, I'm moving to Canada".

On that note,

Song of the day: Last Summer by The Lost Prophets
Meal of the day: Vegetarian Wrap with hummus, cucumber, tomato, and sprouts (don't tell me 
      that doesn't sound good.)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Train Track Happy

So, I am happy to say that today my major accomplishment was building a train track for my kiddies at work (in case you didn't know, I "cheerfully" work at a preschool with two year olds....lots of two year olds.) Not only was it a complex system of wooden tracks fitted together like puzzle pieces, BUT it included a bridge (yes, a bridge) and a tunnel. I heard the endless phrase "its stuck in the mud!! the mud!!!!" every time one of the small trains tried to cross the bridge. It might have made sense had there been mud on the bridge, but there wasn't so my response was "Invisible mud! Your a genius!!" And so this evening when I tripped coming up the staircase and my sister starting laughing my response was "it was the mud!" Of course she didn't get it, but I cracked myself up.

Song of the day: Open house by Bombay Bicycle Club
Special of the day: Spinach and Cheese dip on Cheese bread (mmmcheese.)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A blog for myself, and you of course darling.

I've had this odd notion lately that owning my own cafe might be exactly what I want to do with my life. Of course, I have no idea what it actually takes to own a cafe, the business aspect anyway. To be honest, I'm more interested in making people happy with a great cup of coffee and good music playing in the background. So I have decided to make a sort of "virtual" cafe that (with your help) might brighten your day, even if its just by a small smile. So maybe a good idea for a meal, a interesting song to boogie too, and hopefully someone to talk to. 

Song of the day: The Con by Tegan and Sara
Meal of the day: Blueberry Pancakes (for dinner =])