Monday, January 11, 2010

It will be my "Last Summer"

So, I really had a great day. I finally got my oil changed after going over the 3000 mile limit by 150 miles....I have to say, whenever I go over that I am constantly (really, CONSTANTLY) looking at the odometer and with every 10 miles accumulating I kind of groan and know that I will have to spend 40 bucks to have some guy change my oil when I could do it for 15 myself, if I only knew how. Maybe that will be my outstanding new year's resolution. 
By the way, does anyone REALLY have a good one? 
It seems that 2010 is kind of a laid back year, I haven't talked to anyone yet that had decided to completely alter their lives and live for the good of humanity. There's usually at least one. 
I have a couple of life altering things that will be happening this year. I'm graduating from high school in May (YES.) And then in the spring I'll be headed off to college (crap.)

I'm kind of excited for this whole college thing, but honestly mostly because I will be living on my own, have the chance to meet new people, and not deal with curfews. I'm really not looking forward to another 4 years of school, that will only be harder. Actually, I'm dreading another 4 years of school. I don't want to do it. But social standards have their place, and in my household, a very very high uppity place, unfortunately. 
For a while I was entertaining the idea of joining the Peace Corp (doesn't everyone?). But I'm not entirely sure I could live without a nice shower for more than 3 days. I just want to see the world, travel, and take eons of pictures. Would anyone be willing to just give me a couple million of dollars so I could live out my dream? 

Nope. I s'pose not.

Ah well, maybe I'll study Graphic Design, make bundles of money and then pay for myself to go everywhere. 

This is a completely different subject, but I am getting soooooo tired of winter. Usually I'm the one advocating Mr.Frost...but this year, I miss swimming in the local rivers, having bonfires with friends, biking, pretending to run, reading outside, and looking at the sun and thinking "wow, its really bright out." Of course I know that when summer actually does come and I am encountering 90 + degree weather I'll be going "Screw this, I'm moving to Canada".

On that note,

Song of the day: Last Summer by The Lost Prophets
Meal of the day: Vegetarian Wrap with hummus, cucumber, tomato, and sprouts (don't tell me 
      that doesn't sound good.)

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