Sunday, January 31, 2010

From Cuba to Miami to Baltimore, and back again

My dad gets back from cuba tonight...well actually from miami since he has to fly to miami from cuba and then into baltimore. His flight gets in at 1.20 AM. In the morning.....thats 5 hours before I am usually sitting in the school parking lot. That means that, if I go, I will be getting home at 2.20. Which means that I can sleep for 3.40 hours.
We start a new semester tomorrow, which means new classes, which means that IF I go to the airport with my darling mumsy to pick up my darling father I will be running on three hours of sleep and having to deal with new teachers.
I can't decide on if I want to go or not.....If I don't go, I wont see my dad until tomorrow night. I absolutely love going to airports, but I'm not quite sure I would love to go at 1.20 in the morning. You have to understand, that I quite enjoy sleeping.

Well, what I really love is dreaming. If dreaming was a sport I would be in the Olympics. Wow, how amazing would that be?! To have a sport where you just get to sleep and dream. I have crazy dreams, and I love them.
I asked some people once if they thought dreams meant anything, the general consensus was "no." But I just can not bring myself to believe that you would dream of something relevant to your life and have it mean absolutely nothing. HOW could you dream about an ex, run into them the next day and say "oh, it means nothing that I had this dream about you last night." No sir, it definitely means something. It means your subconscious is at work and thats its trying to tell you something dammit! So honestly dear bloggers, should you have a dream about a rabbit thats "late, very late" and running about with a pocket watch, please please take it seriously, and do not follow him into the rabbit hole.

Wow, what an interesting conversation that was. How on earth I got from Cuba to dreams is just a little baffling.

So today I woke up at 10.28 to the sound of my cell going off. *answers phone* "helloooo???" "Hey dude, I have a huge favor I need to ask of you..", "i just woke what?" "i need help moving my horse" "YOUR HORSE. fuck." 30 minutes later I'm standing outside in jeans and a hoodie waiting for my friend to pick me up so I can go and "help" her move her horse. An hour later and we are sitting in her car waiting for the trailer driver to show up. Another hour passes and we are digging about in her room for some horse legal papers that basically say her horse doesn't have some killer disease. Another hour later and my friend is now being hung upside down by "Julius", a half puerto rican half german guy who is about 3 times my size. Ask me how this happen? no idea. Nonetheless, here is my friend hanging upside down laughing hysterically, her horse learning the new boundaries of the electrical fence, and me kicking snow. Quite an interesting day. I must say I don't normally wake up with the hopes of carrying horse stuff from the barn to the jeep and back to a new barn, BUT I rather enjoyed myself.

Meal of the day: Chicken Pot Pie (just cause the crust tastes SO good)
Song of the day: Untouched and Intact by Honorary Title

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