Tuesday, January 26, 2010


So I'm in this art class called Design Art Tech Application (aka DATA) in which I usually end up doing nothing more than goof around with friends, except for today. I found out we have a FINAL. Art classes can have finals? Shenanigans. So I had to become crafty and ended up making this portfolio for a make believe cafe (Ca Louise). This is what I came up with:

That's just the business card....We also had to make an envelope, stationary letterhead, and folder cover. After finishing everything and formatting it I was pleasantly informed that "it wasn't going to be graded". Kidding? no..no I'm not.

i love finals.

But its all okay because I'm making pita bread pizza for dinner! If you've never had pita bread, you should go out to the store and hook yourself up with some. While your at it throw in some classic Tribe humus, and BAM you have a delicious meal. I could live off humus. Humus and tofu. Thats where it's at.

Ever since I've become vegetarian I've found these nifty things to eat, that despite appearances (sometimes) are delicious. Though I won't lie, when someone says "breakfast sausage" my stomach starts to rumble. Sausage, bacon, chicken, steak.....oh the glories of it all.

Well, I haven't had a very exciting or event filled day SO I'm going to conclude this blog right about now.
Till next time, ta ta.

Meal of the day: PIta bread and Tribe hummus
Song of the day: Iko-Iko by Zap Mama


  1. hahaha yeah i realised that not everyone might use 'barbie' in the same context as we do here down under. throwing chicken at a barbie doll seems like fun though =P

    just out of curiosity, how long have u been vegetarian for?

  2. Since september....rough first month, and since usually the follow up question is "why are you vegetarian?" i really have no idea, I'm not all about saving the animals, (even though animal cruelty is WRONG.) and I'm not about the weight loss aspect either. honestly, I just kinda wanted a challenge. =]

    spose thats kind of.....odd??

  3. this might surprise you, but it's not as odd as u think. my friend wanted a challenge so she did the same thing for a month (and ate a freaking huge steak afterwards but that's beside the point).

    awesome that ur keeping it going though, seems like ur finding a lot of new foods?
    i'd never be able to give up meat so i reckon that's pretty damn awesome. how long do u plan to keep it up?

  4. hah guess im not the only one seeking challenges xP
    yeah i'm finding loads of new foods, and i only miss meat when i smell it.....even if its like crappy fast food meat haha
    i spose i'll just keep going until i can't bear it any more =] I'm trying to last a year....but thats not necessarily a stopping point

    though i guess its slowly not becoming a challenge.....i'll have to think of something new to do....skydiving? x]
