Saturday, January 30, 2010

My own wee little island

I was talking to my friend the other day about what we would do if we had a whole island to ourselves and what we would do with it.

AN ISLAND. that leads to countless possibilities, like having tiki tiki parties, singing Yo Ho and bottle of rum around a fire pit, and making shacks out of logs. After deciding, it would be essential to be billionaires to own our own island we thought, why we are at it let throw in a water park! I don't know if anyone reading this has been to Hershey Park in PA, BUT they have the most fun water playground thingy. Its 4 stories, filled with HUGE buckets that drop gallons of water on people, sprinklers, water slides (loveee water slidesss), and hoses that extend so you can spray people. Add all of this plus some teenagers, college frats and wa-bam: great time. With a water park, and an ocean near by might as well have a couple of boats. Mainly for two reasons; 1. You could sing "Im on a boat" by lonely planet till the sun rises 2. You'd be on a boat, there's nothing awesomer than partying on a boat.

Okay I lied, there are lots of more "awesomer" things than partying on boats. But it scores pretty high up there.

what would YOU do with an island? That my question. I'm still thinking of things....

Its snowing...again. I just want some sunshine =[ The snow's sposed to last till late tonight which basically means i'm snowed in....which means I will probably clean my room at some point in time. I don't especially like cleaning my room, but when you are stuck in your house with nothing else to your room always seems to prevail. I need some more creative ideas. Any ideas?

I'll probably blog again today =]]

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