Sunday, December 26, 2010

Just sittin here

The cabin trip was amazing. The fact that Matt and I had to be alone with each other for a grand total of 3 ish days, was at first quite daunting. Matt kind of keeps his feelings to himself, which is the complete opposite of me. Well on most aspects anyway. I love talking to people and finding out new things, Matt knows a lot, its just hard to get him rolling on a topic. So, on the first night when we popped open a bottle of Yellow Tail I was really happy to have this passionate voice raising conversation with him. We were both getting really emotional about what we were talking about, and mostly for him, his past. Because of the minor drinking we had done I couldn't help but laugh as much, or more than he did. So it was an incredibly giggly crazy fun night. I would love to do it again, and I think we might be for new years (yay 2011).
We went hiking on Saturday with Raven. Well, in the morning I desperately needed coffee, and water (wine super demolished my hydration. I haven't been that thirsty since my backpacking trip in august). It was snowing, since we were up in the mountains. We went to this national park, found some cabins we are thinking about staying in over the summer and explore the park a little bit. I've enclosed a picture of the view while we were driving since I usually left the camera in the car.
On the way back home we had to stop to get gas. We decided to go to this small truck driver stop to get it, do not ask me why. I pull out my bank card (cause I didn't have cash) and the screwy machine is all screwy and being a pain in the bum. I started yelling at it..well to quote me I went "I hate country ass gas stations". Matt started cracking up because I walked off into the shop in my rain boots, leggings and coat. When I came back he told me he was "praying no one would come at him with a hunting knife". Yeah, cause that would be SOOOO different from where we live. Anyway, it provided ample laughter for about 20 minutes in the car ride.

Well now I've told you about my weekend.

I could tell you about Christmas, but really, it was just another Christmas. We all exchanged gifts, my sister stressed out about making a 16 by 14 inch gingerbread house, my mom crowded the kitchen with cooking, while I cleaned the rest of the house until family came over. Favorite gift? Probably have to go with this beautiful necklace my dad gave me. It's a turquoise pendant with two handmade metal rings around it. It's beautiful and I can't wait to wear it somewhere.

It's snowing here now. I think we are supposed to get quite a bit, but I don't really know. I was going to spend the night at Matt's but he was super tired cause he had woken up at 4 AM for work. So he went to bed at 7.30, I tried to sleep, but couldn't and left around 11.30. The roads were horrible. I was really happy to get home, I was starrrrvvvinngg. My sister and I watched a pretty bad film about Ted Bundy, the serial killer. Super messed up. I also watched a documentary about H.H. Holmes, the first serial killer in America, whom no one seems to have heard of. Check it out, yo! You gotta know these things for when you go on jeopardy.

It is now 2.31 AM, I am semi sleepy...and I think I might try to fall asleep now.
Write again soon, hopefully.
Love, Laura

Meal of the day: Clementines with Cereal
Song of the day: Turn me on by Norah Jones

Thursday, December 2, 2010

holy moly

I haven't blogged in god knows how long. I really miss it. Okay, wait I lied because I totally have blogged, but its been for my Mass Communications class and I'm not to passionate about what I'm blogging about so I consider it homework. So much shit has happened, even though I feel like I'm not really living up to the college experience.
I've been watching crap tons of LA Ink, with Kat Von D and the crew. It's made me realize that I want a tattoo. I had been thinking about getting one for a couple of months, but seeing how much they mean to people and how fantastic of an experience it is makes me want to get one even more. I was watching one episode today that I was trying to hard not to laugh out loud to. This guy got a cheese tattoo, because he had recently become lactose intolerant and so he wanted to memorialize his past life with cheese. I know it's cheese, but he really loves cheese. There's this clip of him and he goes "provolone, SWISS. God it's all so good." and then he's like "I just really love cheese." And the way he says it is so sincere and so you end up thinking, "well, now I can't see why you wouldn't get a cheese tattoo" and of course Kim does an amazing job. At that point your like, well shit, you could get a tattoo of a crumpled paper and these people could make it look amazing.
So, what I am thinking for my tat is a sunflower with a few vines around it. It's definitely more simple, but I've always been simple. I remember when I was little my dad was reading to me in bed and noticed a necklace I had on, and he went "You really love those simple beautiful things in life" and its completely true. I do, and I really love sunflowers, when I see them it just makes me so happy and brings back good memories. I'm super excited, hopefully I do follow through with it (I already have a designated tattoo buddy), if I do I'll let yall know about it.
On a different note, Matt and I's one year anniversary is this weekend. SATURDAY. Holy shit. I really can't believe its been a year. Time flies. I've been really happy with him and he's definitely changed me as a person, in all the good kind of ways of course. Or at least I like to think so. We rented a cabin up in the mountains. It's real suave, got a kitchen, 2 bedrooms (TWO BEDS. YES.), and a bathroom. Ya know, all we need. It was pretty cheap, $100 a night, so we are splitting it dutch oven style. Wait, is it called dutch oven? I think it might just be dutch...Well, we are splitting it even. His dog, Raven, is coming along. I realize most girls would probably be like, "he wants to bring the dog on our anniversary trip" but honestly Raven is a lot of fun, he's full of personality and he makes me laugh even though Matt probably kisses him equally as much as me. He will be fun to have on our hikes and what not. Plus that way, when I fall on a rock and bust my leg Raven can stay with me while Matt goes and gets help.
Although I do have to say I am a little annoyed. I probably shouldn't post my super private life online but writing it all helps a lot, and my journal is underneath a stack of books hidden behind the journals of Dan Eldon and in the dust of my shelf. So, last night I had a great time with my best friend Sarah, we got Panera and talked like old times, it was a lot of fun. She left here around 8 to get back to her hubbie at home. She texted me throughout the night cause her and her boyfriend ended up going and hanging out at Matt's place. I know his work schedule, so I knew he got home at 9. He didn't call me till 11.30. I know it probably makes me sound needy and clingy, but I really don't feel that I am at all. I don't see him all week, we usually only talk on the phone for average of 10 minutes a day so it's like "Yo, got 5 to spare?" He called me and I was like "matt, I'm going to bed. We can talk tomorrow" and he was all upset because he hates upsetting me. Anyway, we are all good now and everything. I was just so excited to get a call from him once he got home from work, but he hasn't called yet and its almost 11. He probably won't call, he probably fell asleep.
ALRIGHT, that was huge coincidence. Right as I wrote that, guess who called. Yeah okay, brownie points awarded to Matt. Oddly good timing.

I went clubbing with Sarah a couple of thursdays ago. I had such an amazing time. I danced with some really fun guys and it was just a totally liberating experience because I am normally a shy, self conscious (to the max) person. I know that's completely unattractive to men because they like a "woman with confidence". I got thinking to myself, I don't know these guys, I'm never going to see them again. Let the fuck loose Laura. So I did. And there was maybe only 5 minutes I wasn't dancing with someone. Go me.

Alright, I was supposed to be doing Sociology homework right now and considering finals are in two weeks I should get to that.

Tell you how cabin weekend goes.
Love, Laura

Meal of the day: Everything bagel with cream cheese and Pumpkin Spice coffee (mmmhm)
Song of the day: The Orchard by SeaWolf. ( I am telling you guys, this band is AMAZING. Get it pronto.)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I have no excuse. Nope, I really have no excuse for why I haven't blogged. You all know about my first couple of weeks in college but so much has been happening. I made a best friend, Corrine dearest, who is absolutely ridiculous but a lot like me. We go on these "adventures" all over the place. Our first one was into the harbor, where we wondered about posing idiotically on the sides of bridges in "pin up girl" styles. She was much better at it than me..I just look really awkward. Then again, when am I not awkward? We have had some pretty fun saturday nights as well. I know I'm in college and its the party life blah blah blah, but we watch some horrible cabin fever movie, created a stop animation film, made tea, and had multiple riots of laughter SO tell me why I should go out to some frat house. But don't get me wrong, I can totally understand why someone would want to join the Greek Life. It, after all, does offer acceptance which I feel is pretty hard to find at my school, and it promotes a good cause usually. By good cause I mean breast cancer or children in third world countries. There actually was a frat on campus that see-sawed (yes, see-sawed) for 24 hours to promote colon cancer. Or maybe it was prostate cancer? Anyway, that was pretty big...I guess. Currently one of the sororities has been setting up a table outside every day, covered in pink things, with whip cream and a sign that says "PIE A ZETA". Its supposed to support breast cancer. I just don't especially have any sort of yearning to throw a pie at some girl for a dollar. A dollar is a lot of money, to me, right now away.
BUT, thats not gonna last long cause I got a job! YES. After months (OK a few days) of arduous hunting at a near by mall, I saw a flyer on campus for an administrative job. I snatched it off the bulletin board and emailed the link as soon as possible. I'll be getting paid 10 dollars and hour to file applications for a department on campus! So exciting! I start monday =]
This is a completely different topic, but sense I had been to China I hadn't ridden in a taxi. That is to say, I had never ridden in a taxi in the USA until last night. I got stranded at Target with Corrine. The target nearby is only about 2 miles away, but it was dark, past 10 and we were two girls with nothing but spaghetti-os (my new favorite food) and mace. So, after Corrine called me a wanker for about a half an hour I persuaded her to split a taxi cost with me. It was ten mother f**king dollars for 2 miles. O.O Can you believe that junk? Ridiculous. I will admit though, the ride was super pimped out, awesome interior and the driver even had a iPhone, which he decided to check his facebook on WHILE driving. Really, put my life and my ten dollars on hold for facebook, go ahead.
We are usually able to catch the shuttle back to campus, which is free for all students with their ID card. We, as usual, missed the shuttle and watched it zoom right on by us across the street. The first time this happened, Corrine and I were on our way to the shuttle stop. I looked up and saw the shuttle, then said " that the shuttle?" Corrine just took off, looked back at me and went "Well run, FAT ASS". Holy crap, I have never laughed so hard whilst running in my life. It wasn't just the fact that a girl equal to me in sexy awesome body size told me to run, it was because she screamed "FAT ASS" like it was no one's business. Gotta love it. I wish you could have all been there to see us run like morons to the stop, and then sit on the bus for 10 minutes (while it was still at the shuttle... waiting for other passengers) and complain about how out of shape we are.
Since I came to college though I discovered these "group fitness classes". They are free and they are at night, both things making them awesome for me. I do Zumba, and Yoga. Tomorrow I'm trying "Ab Attack" which makes me want to run and hide. I don't have abs. I don't especially want abs. But I want to look and feel better, so thus I am making my body suffer. I have to be one of the people on the planet who hates ab workouts. I really do. I would rather starve myself for a week than do 15 straight minutes of ab workouts. Ugh. I'll tell you how that one works out.
I am completely obsessed with the show LOST. Really, I love it. I watched the first season in probably about three days. I'm on the fifth season now, and its the last one I have on DVD so I'm trying to take my time watching it. My favorite character by far is definitely Hurley, followed closely in second by Charlie, and then Desmond right behind him. I love Hurley because he is so jovial, and if I were stuck on the island I'd definitely want a Hurley around. The episode where he drives the beat up shag van into the valley completely captured my every thought. And when he made it to the bottom and the van started I literally laughed right along with him. Charlie of course is my favorite because he's so protective of Claire (awesome as well) and sits around playing his guitar all the time. And what girl isn't going to love Desmond? He is willing to do anything to get back to Penelope. Has a super sexy Scottish accent, and is over all just a good guy.

Might have to go watch LOST now. =]
P.S. sorry about typo-s, I'll edit later =]

Meal of the day: Spinach salad with strawberries and pineapples
Song of the day: Shambala by Michael G.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The orientation and "oh shit, im supposed to be there" times

I haven't written in ages, but its mostly not because I haven't had time. I've just been running around doing pretty much pointless things with only minor goals but they ended up being fulfilling.

I s'pose the most exciting thing I have done recently is moving into my dorm room and beginning to live the "college life". I luckily got to move in a COMPLETE day early so I didn't have to deal with lines and lines of carts and people waiting to use the elevator to get to their rooms (yesssss). And I discovered I live on the fifth floor, so in reality walking up 5 flights really isn't all that bad. I'm living in a forced triple, aka a double with three people instead of two. I know it sounds bad, but its not really. The room is pretty spacious and we all have dressers and closets to put our things in.

Tonight I'm going to a jazz concert in the union with some new friends and my boyfriend. Should be an adventure! I'm still discovering my way around campus....the only building I'm really familiar with is called Van Bokkelen (in my mind Van B) and that's because that's where I had my orientation sessions. Unfortunately, it is a pretty hidden and badly displayed building so it took me forever to find it thus causing me to look like an ass when I walked in late while everyone was playing "ice breaking games". Thats okay, I don't wanna break ice anyway xP

The first night I was here I got ridiculously home sick, called my best friend (Sarah) who was babysitting at the time and begged her to pick me up. She came as soon as she got off, which was at midnight, and we ventured out back to home. I ended up chilling with some old friends until four in the morning, eventually got back to my dorm, which was pitch black and silent, had to somewhat loudly open the door and use my cell phone as a light to find my bed. Woke up at 8 to go to orientation, had a pretty nonchalant day. Nonetheless, when night rolled around again I got homesick (again) my sister picked me up, and I traveled my way back home (again). Watched "Through the worm hole (featuring Morgan Freeman)" with Matt, who brought me back at the much decent-er hour of one. So tonight I have challenged myself to actually stay on campus. *deep breathes* I just have to remember I'm not the only one who has no idea what to do with themselves yet. phew.

blog again as soon as possible.....which may be a while since classes start wednesday!

Meal of the day: Golden Graham cereal with a banana
Song of the day: I would walk 500 miles by the Proclaimers

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A long long while

Well, i havent written in a long long while. Its summertime, and the livin's easy.
Last weekend I had quite a journey. Me and matt were hanging out with some of his older brothers friends. We watched the ridiculous movie "Iron Monkey 2" and his buddies made some hilarious jokes. "Wait, I know! THEYRE ALL IRON MONKEY!" "Whats the crazy old guy doin? walking down the street bangin his sticks" and the obvious "aweee*high pitch*" like we all just realized what the movie was actually trying to get across. It was rather fun. Ben pulled the old TV outside and so we all sat in lawn chairs (or in my case on a stair on the deck) and watched this movie together while Raven, their dog, continually ran up beside you and got you soaking from when he'd gone swimming in the pool.
Once the movie had lost its thrill we all decided to start playing 3 man. Its a drinking game, and seeing as I am horrible at explaining such things if you dont know what it is, google it. I had a fantastic time, only wore the "hat" once and laughed my ass off at the 26 year old guys crackin jokes at each other. They all went off to play horseshoes ( or at least try to) and I stayed back with Matt and had a fantastic conversation that he didnt remember the next day. But, its okay I realize now that I am really lucky to remember it, even though he doesn't know it happened.
End of my story: I got home at 6.20 AM and watched the damn sunrise as I drove across the highway. Slept till 1 PM and went to work at 3. Hoo-rah.

Work's been a bitch lately. We have this new kid named Nitin (pronounced like Knit-in) and his stubborn two year old butt demands to stand by the door and scream for a full on day. When you try to hold him, he kicks, eventually gives in, and proceeds to scream in your ear. "Well geez Laura, he's only two years old." Mmmmhm, well lets see you do it for 2 and a half hours.
Theres also so romance in Baja Fresh Land! Two of my darling co-workers have found themselves smoking cigs all the more often out back, and it seems to me and my manager that they are slowly staring to click. It brightens the mood around the place, especially after your staring at chips for four hours.

I have decided I'm going to Russia next summer during July. I need a Russian penpal...anyone???

Meal of the day: Portobello Mushroom sandwich
Song of the day: Vagabond by Wolfmother (aka Matt's song)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

its been a long long while.

So, I haven't blogged in ages. I have no real valid excuse, mostly I just haven't had inspiration to write.
The trip to the beach with my friends ended up not being quite as much fun as I had imagined. It seemed that all everyone wanted to do was swim, lay around the condo, sleep, eat, and drink. I have no problem with those thing except for that we were at the friend hates the sand, so we only went to the beach once or twice which kinda sucked. My boyfriend had to stay home to work, so whenever I talked to him on the phone he had all these great ideas of things to go and do, but then no one would want to go with me, and how much fun is bumper cars when you have no friend to especially gang up on? I mean dont get me wrong, I had some great night with all my buddies and what not, I just started missing home and actually having a bed to sleep on and some real food. So came home, hung out with everyone that couldn't go down there, made me so much happier.
I was sposed to go to this Gay Pride festival in Baltimore today with my two darling gay buddies, but all of my friends got jumbled up, I missed the train and so now I have no one to go down with and walking the streets of baltimore by myself = bad idea. Not because its a city so much, but because I have horrible navigation skills..really horrible. Maybe the night will pick up, after all it is only 7.21, who knows what would happen by 8
I promise to write a more interesting post soon, well as soon as something interesting happens.

Meal of the day: Oatmeal with a Pear and Rye toast
Song of the day: Ive seen better days by Sublime

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

the tostada shell guy

fellow bloggers,
it isnt often that I go to work with a smile on my face and leave with one too. BUT today, as I walked into my new job at Baja Fresh I came with a smile because I had just had an awesome hour with Matt. Of course, it was INSANELY fucking busy. This was the first time I had worked when there was literally a line of more that 3 people. It was crazy, and I screwed up more than one order, but nonetheless I managed to pull through by smiling and "acting" clumsy. When 7.45 rolled around the corner this guy came in with a tyedye shirt and some shorts. I was serving a burrito but I decided it would probably be a good idea to go over and take his order first since it was taking a while. When I got over there he was looking at the menu and he glanced at me, looked back at the menu, did like a double take and then goes "your beautiful". My reaction was quite literally: "sorry? What??" and he was like "your beautiful". Now the hopeless romantic in me was like AWHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh =]]]]]]] and i had a HUGE smile on my face, I must have looked like a deranged idiot. He took his order and then asked if I had a pen. Do i have a pen? OF COURSE, i have a pen. So i handed him a pen, and he handed me his number. ^^ Laura got hit on, laura got hit on, laura got hit on! woooooo =]

Alright, so yes, this DID make my day. But don't get me wrong I'm not about to call him and set up a date obviously because I am already taken by matthew dearest, however it can still make my day. And it did. Really.

Consumers! Yes thats you. Listen up, if you think that someone behind a register or cooking in the kitchen, or sweeping, or serving you shitty food has a great laugh, great piercing, fantastic hair due, LET THEM KNOW. With out that little "your beautiful, heres my number" bit, my day would have been the same damn shit. Add a little spice, and it makes everything better.

Anyway thats my story of the day. Might post again later and FINALLY tell you all about my first porno experience which has yet to be blogged. my bad.

Meal of the day: Strawberry short cake, and a banana
Song of the day: Make my day by Waldeck

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Skydiving my butt off

I would like to say its official that summer has started, except for really its not. I have a week of school left, and two weeks until i actually graduate but i already feel that awesome summer sun vibe that makes you want to get out and do things. Matt has unearthed his pool, it looks like shit though tons of algae everywhere that makes the water as black as coke. He says it'll take about 2 weeks before its actually swim-able. I don't really mind waiting though, there's something about the anticipation before swimming that makes it all the better when you actually do get to have that first big jump into the pool.
After graduation which is on the 28th, my friends and I are all going to Ocean Ci-tay for "senior week". We are way out in the boondocks though, apparently far away from pretty much anyone else who is going. Honestly though, I am so excited to just have some hardcore chill time with my friends. Play some frisbee on the beach, go swimming, hang out and watch movies. I am really excited. We are staying in this small 2 couple condo that my friends mom owns. The original plan was to fit 8 people in it, which is twice the occupancy. But my boyfriend bailed, and so did another now its down to my two gay friends, and one straight couple and me. Oddly enough, I'm not going to feel like the 5th wheel or the oddball, mostly because I simply refuse to be left alone, (I'm a pretty dependent person...would much prefer a group of people over being by myself). The condo is really close to this place called Dummsers (not sure in spelling it right) but its mega famous for its ice cream. FYI, Ice cream = my vice. I could literally live off cereal and ice cream for probably the rest of my life and die happily. I know that sounds like an over exaggeration, but its not xP I really LOVE ice cream and cereal. Especially cinnamon toast crunch and raisin nut bran. mmmmhm.
I played my first match of horseshoes over the weekend. That shit is so much harder than it looks. Your essentially throwing this 2 pound metal circle-ish thing onto a rod. Its a difficult task to succeed at, but its so much fun to try. You have to kind of hurl it, like in bowling, but not with the little shuffle that comes with bowling a bowling ball. Instead its more of a launch.
Well, nonetheless frisbee remains my favorite summer sport no matter how much I suck at it, I love to play. My friends and I have been going out to the fields during enrichment lately and playing. A couple of weeks ago my one and only frisbee got mercilessly tossed on top of a caved in green house. My initial reaction was "dammmmnnn it esli!!" (esli = the thrower). But then the next day we went out for a water balloon fight and *poof* there was my frisbee laying in the field. Kinda weird how stuff like that happens. But I love it when it does, makes your day a little better.
This whole working two jobs thing is total bullshit. The manager at Baja thinks im "really committed" which I'm really not. I kind of want to go ahead and give him my two weeks notice because i simply don't enjoy handing people burritos and mopping the [very slippery] floor. It kind of funny actually...since the kitchen gets really greasy they have these rubber floors, and all the burrito grease starts to build up on it by the time closing comes around. Whenever I go back there to pack up the salsa bar my shoes automatically start slidding. The other day I couldn't even push open a door (my hands were full) because whenever I went to push on it with my back my feet would just start sliding. I only managed to open it an inch before I realized I would have to go at it with a running start and just kind of body slam the door open. Thank god none of the kitchen guys saw that xP They're already having a blast making fun of the new girl who doesn't know the difference between a fajita and taco. Can I quit? Poll: When is it too soon to quit a job after being hired? Would they want the shirt back? How bout the visor? (Yes, i wear a visor).
summer bitches. I'm going to montreal and skydiving my butt off.

Meal of the day: cinnamon toast crunch
Song of the day: orange sky by alexi murdoch

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Exciting news everyone! After snatching an application to Baja Fresh yesterday I decided to pop out of school a little early and drop it off before work. The guy barely read it and then went "When can you start?"
I am so excited to be making people burritos! I'm not even going to be making them but I'll be able to say "Hi! How ARE you?!!?" to people and really mean it, and I really can't wait. I can finally be that person who makes the day a little bit better just because they weren't some slug standing behind a cashier (not that I think I won't have days where I'm a slug, because I totally days when I'm living off of rice cakes, still vegetarian, and the smell of grilled chicken is wafting in my general direction). I'm very happy to finally be working with people my own age and doing something other than sitting on my ass for two hours. YES!
Must buy black pants and black shoes. *mental note*
It is my sister's 21st birthday today. We had a super dank dinner, and enjoyed some Mikes Hard. It was fun, she's not exactly a party animal or anything so she's not going out, but her boyfriend came over and I think that's really what she was looking forward to. Well, that and the german chocolate cake my mom made.
Anyway, I'm quite tired at the moment and I've gotta call Matt back so I'll have to write about my first baja experience after thursday! CANT WAIT.

Meal of the day: Ceasar Salad with german chocolate cake
Song of the day: Play nice by the Apathy Eulogy

Thursday, April 29, 2010


So, I'm listening to french music right now.
It's funny because I can't understand a single word the artist is saying and yet I still connect with it. Don't you love songs like that?
It's very calm and peaceful. Then of course Barenaked Ladies has to come on next in the shuffle and it gets very "fun".

Tonight was the Art-show at my school. I didn't have my own wall or anything but I had helped everyone mat their photos and in some cases, tape them up (or hot glue..depending on the situation). I was on the "take down" committee, but when I finally arrived an hour and forty five minutes late I couldn't stand to be in my school cafeteria any longer than I needed to, so I left within 15 minutes. I feel like shit anyway because I downed a peanut butter sandwich.
Lately my friends have ALL been on diets, and its driving me bonkers because it makes me feel like I eat even worse than usual when really I eat very healthily. However, when I have a friend who's living off of unflavored rice cakes and salad while I'm eating a banana, kashi bar, apple and pineapple, I suddenly feel like I'm obese. What the hell is wrong with this situation?
I'll tell you. What's wrong is that I have this crazy super glue stuck notion in my head that I have to be 110 pounds, look something like Natalie Portman and live off of grapes. What else is wrong with this idea? Well first off, I have hips "made for child bearing" as my darling mother likes to put it, and I like food. I don't LOVE food (okay, maybe indian food and tofu, but everyone has their vices), I just enjoy tasting different things and experimenting. After all, eating apple after apple and banana after banana gets a little tiring and I start to crave the dreaded "carbs" peanut butter sandwiches. I know that I'm going to feel like shit for eating it after, but while I eat it everything is just nice and dandy. Food, you sly thing you, stop screwing with my mind.
Anyway, I just need to find a new delicious low calorie low everything food. Any ideas?

Meal of the day: Apple, peanut butter sandwich
Song of the day: Monsieur Marcel by Renan Luce

Sunday, April 25, 2010


It makes me so incredibly sad when you say "I don't remember". You have no idea how hard it is for me to accept that you forgot what you told me. My heart aches because the night before it had been so happy. The idea of someone caring so much about me again seems so real when ever you talk, but you never remember what you say. I am sorry for trying so hard not to fall in love with you.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

the Akbar Adventure

On saturday my friends and I decided to trek into Baltimore on a sort of spontaneous whim for indian food. Even though there's a pretty delectable Indian restaurant 20 minutes from home we simple HAD to go into the city and have the real experience. So, we carpooled our way into Baltimore. That part was easy, thank god my bestie Sarah was around because she has ridiculous GPS skills engraved in her head and can make it around almost anywhere after being there once. So, after some how navigating our way onto St.Paul's street we drove past our destination in search of a parking spot. Finding parking in Baltimore, on a Saturday night near the local stores and what not is near impossible..However, we did manage to find a spot a couple of blocks away and after parking and scrounging around for quarters to slide into the meter we discovered that we had NO IDEA how to actually work a parking meter. I know it sounds incredibly stupid, and thats because it is. When we first turned the little knobish thing a little yellow flag popped up that read "VIOLATION". We were really dumbfounded because all we had done was insert one quarter...this ominous bright yellow flag made it seem as if we had taken a baseball bat to its stand. Seeing the hatred of this parking spot, we got back in our cars and tried to relocate.....
Eventually Sarah was able to parallel park in a spot that was about 6 windy shaded blocks from the restaurant. It was at this parking spot that we figured out how to actually work a meter; You have to turn the knob twice! Then the needle goes up to tell you how much time you have (thank you alex, love). We laughed pretty hard once we realized how stupid it was we didn't understand it the first time.
When we got to the restaurant we ordered ourselves thee best meal ever which ended up costing 50 bucks for three people =] None of us cared though, it was delicious and I would go back and eat the same again..Maybe even more.
Our adventure back home was equally as ridiculous mostly because Alex went "Don't you need to be exiting there??" whilst we drove past the exit and out of adrenaline Sarah tried to make the exit last minute only to be furiously honked at by a white land rover (sorry). Nonetheless Sarah's dramatic rampage about how you "never tell the person they're supposed to exit when they are passing the exit!! stupid!" or something along those lines made the near-accident worth it.

Meal of the Day: Palak Paneer with Garlic Naan
Song of the Day: Le Diner by Benabar

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sunday, Easter Sunday

Well, went to church this morning and sat in the back row...or pew rather, with my sister. Everything was nice and church-ish until this mom and her two 6 ish year old daughters sat in front of us. They started to color, mess with mommy's bag, drop papers on the floor, and just kept on being children in general. I ended up not listening to the service at all but trying not to laugh my butt of whenever the one little girl turned around and stared at my feet. I don't know why I found it so hilarious, but I felt really judged by this six year old, so maybe it was my way of laughing off judgement, but I could not contain myself. I ended up making her laugh too, so the two back pews became a zone of laughter. Why everyone else is shouting "JESUS HAS RISEN!" I'm looking at my sister going "Why is she staring at me? hahahahahhahah our shoes? they are shiny...." I didn't learn anything, zippo, zilch.
Afterwards the fam went to California Pizza Kitchen where I devoured a wild mushroom pizza which was incredibly delicious. My parents had salad, and we had had croissants strawberries and cereal for breakfast so I am feeling extremely bloated after lunch. My parents asked me if I wanted to go and take a tour of Towson University (which is most likely where I will be next year) so I said "sure" and we went and walked around campus for about a half an hour. There were lots of extremely skinny girls laying in the grass with bathing suits on tanning, along with "jock" ish looking guys chillin in chairs (ultimately watching the girls tan). SO after eating a pizza, I, with my already incredibly low self esteem, feel like shit (pardon my french). We leave to go home so I decide I'm going to go biking.
I leave my bike at a friends house for storage cause she lives right next to a bike trail and its a lot more convenient than towing my bike around the county every time I want to go biking. My darling daddy decided that during the winter he would like it to be at our place. I agree with him of course, so when it was being kept in our tiny tiny tiny shed he had to loosen the handle bars so he could move them and fit it better. So today when I took it out on the trail, even though I had tightened the bolt two weeks before I went zooming down this huge hill to get on the trail and BOOM down I went. Right in front of a super-fit physical trainer looking guy. Are you shitting me? He goes "WHOA. are you OKAY?!" me: " bike is fucked up....the handle bars are loose..." he goes: "I have some tools" (hahah of course you do.) me: "Reallllyyy?? That would be amazing." and he ends up helping me out, after kind of laughing at me, goes "that should be safer" and off we go on our own biking ways. Well, at least I could keep biking. I went probably 4 miles, turned around and headed back. My friend and I always take this little back road that lets you go faster on the way back to her house, so I decided to do it even though I was on my own. What I forgot was that this road probably hasn't been paved in decades so there's a lot of pot holes, AND it recently rained. When I neared the last 200 feet of the road I saw huge, deep, muddy, brown puddles that were about 50 feet long in front of me. I peddled really quick, centered myself in the middle of the road (hoping for the shallowest bit of the puddle) and braved it. Needless to say, when I came out my legs and butt were showered with mudd, I even managed to get some on my upper arms. Hmm. That made for an interesting bike ride.
Had to stop at a gas station (cause my "you need fuel, bitch!" light came on). The only one near, with decent prices, is an extremely popular gas station cause its also a mini-mart. I knew I looked like crap, had mud up my butt, sweaty hair...the whole bit. So I decided to try to disguise myself, put on my huge sunglasses, messed up my hair, and hoped for the best. Thank god no one was at the station when I pulled in. (yesssss!).
So now, I am home, showered and waiting for Matt to get back from his grandparents. I plan on giving him my chocolate bunny cause I already ate the carrots. =]
Happy Easter every one!

Meal of the day: Wild Mushroom Pizza
Song of the day: Everything's Just Wonderful by Lily Allen

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Anger and Slight Hostility

I cant really explain my anger right now without revealing who it is I am sort of kind of angry at. I feel a rant coming on, and I really just want to start kicking things and get it out of my system but I feel like I am generally a pretty gentle and laid back person all honesty I would most likely end up kicking something and stubbing my own toe.
I really don't mind that my boyfriend plays video games. Really, I don't.
I find it kind of interesting, since I personally suck at video games, to watch. I REALLY don't
mind. I know he thinks I do, but I could honestly care less as along as I'mnot sitting there for more than an hour watching. He can play all he wants on his own time,
fo sho. What I really don't understand though is when he tells me to call him rightafter I get off work, when I do, and when he doesn't answer. maybe he's out with some friends, doing something for his mom,
sleeping, eating...or just generally preoccupied. Thats chill. I get it, the whole, I'm busy so I cant talk to my girl thing.
When my bestie texts me and I find out that she just left his place, he's playing vid.
games in his gaming room, with his phone sitting next to him, and he didn't answer, I won't lie.
I'm a little annoyed. just a little.
So my so called "smart phone" decides to turn off, (which by the way is INCREDIBLY
annoying.) I miss Matt's calls. When he does finally reach me, after checking my phone, and
turning it back on, he says "his phone died. he left it off the charger"
Who the hell am I supposed to believe. My best friend who says it was laying next to him, or
my boyfriend who says it was dead. Well...if it was dead....would it have not rung? Or maybe
it WAS laying next to him and its deadness made it incapable of being answered. Seriously, men
reading this, understand calling your girl is kind of important.
I'm going to make this italics just to emphasize my point:
I really, really, really, don't mind that you want to hang out with your guy friends and play
games. I understand as much as a girl can understand. It's like me wanting to go out with my
girl friends. I get it, really I DO. Just, instead of ignoring when I call, pick up and go "hey hot
stuff, I'm with mah dudes right now playing some mad call of duty shit. You mind if I ring you
back later?" and I promise I will respond "Sounds like a plan. have fun. talk to you soon yeah?"
just so long as you keep your damn promise I hope with all my heart that you have fun.

silly boys. phones are for answering.

Meal of the day: Microwave burritos. - cause Im not in the mood to cook
Song of the day: Come out nd Play by the Offspring

P.S. - going vegan for the month of april.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


So the official start of SPRING BREAK was yesterday, and as a sort of initiation into a week of fun my friend and I took a day trip up to the beach. We left at 7, after meeting at a park and ride, hoped in my car...and realized I really needed to buy gas. So we made a pit-stop at a local BP station, grabbed some coffees and then proceeded on our way.
This was my first official "long distance" (since the beach is 150 miles away) trip without any parental supervision I was feeling the freedom vibe. Rocking out to a mixed cd I had made for the trip, and having the windows open despite the fact that it was 40 degrees outside was exactly what I had in mind.
We started off having the GPS system on, but we got really annoyed with the obnoxious female voice beckoning us to do stupid things, so we shut it off and figured we would just rely on common sense to get us there. At least until we got lost.
After about an hour of drinking coffee and home brewed iced tea (yum) we really had to pee. The only place to stop en route was this broken down shell station with a...interesting...looking man standing outside. We decided that should we be attacked I would go for the groin and she would smash the face. Of course our plan didn't have to go into action, we merely walked in, asked for a bathroom, got pointed to the back corner of the station (..sketchy) did what we had to do, then left.
Soon we started seeing signs for the Bay Bridge. In my mind the jaws theme song started playing. I had never driven across a big bridge, must less a 7 mile long one. I had ridden in the passenger seat and gawked at the height of the bridge over water, but I had not driven it. As we got closer and closer my nerves started more and more. Then we payed the toll to cross and I realized I actually had to do this. My clever road-tripping buddy captured the moment we got on:
Hey, at least I was facing my fears. right?

So we got to the beach by ten. Now, thats 150 miles in a about 2.5 hours. I think we made damn good time, that might have been because of my not obeying the speed limits, but who really does anyway?
We had packed this bombin lunch to eat on the beach. Determined in our ways, we went out with a blanket and set it up:
it was DELICIOUS. In case your curious, that puke-ish looking green stuff is called Sog
(spelled right?) It basically spinach blender-ed up into delicious amazingness. Tribe hummus is the
hummus I'm always talking about thats delicious. We also had corn flakes, tomatoes, celery, goldfish, tuna,
more tea, pita bread, and something else I can't think of right now.
But it was mad cold so we had to leave xP
We ended up just taking bunches of photographs and chilling the whole day. It was really fun and great
and I'm quite happy we did it. I would post more pictures except for everytime I do I have to move them all
the way down to the bottom which is kind of a pain in the arse. Is there an easier way to do that?

Anyway, making cabbage leaves filled with tofu for dinner tonight (hahahah, should be fun trying to stuff a
Let you know how that goes xP

Meal of the day: Cabbage stuffed leaves
Song of the day: Mellow Yellow by Donovan

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Quiet Mind...ok, maybe not.

PHEW. I am done. Just completely and utterly done. Done with school and calculus and writing a stupid thesis about Dorian Grey and John Merrick. IM DONE.
Do you think any one would notice if I just stopped going to school?
Alright, so they might notice....but I can at least dream about not going to school. I can't really explain why I feel so completely done with this, pardon my french, shit but I can say that lately it has been 40 degrees when I wake up and 70 by the time I'm out of school. The sun has been shining and the skys have been blue and I just can't stand being stuck in a classroom sitting on metal chairs till my ass goes numb.

Hmph. I guess I should stop complaining since I will be done in less than 8 weeks. So why don't I?(I'm sure you would rather here me not rant about school).

So, I had a rather interesting day at work. Well today AND yesterday really. Which almost never really happens to me since I get very irritated with the kiddies by wednesday. We got this memo in our "mailboxes" at work that read "I've (my boss) been getting some complaints from parents lately about staff, especially afternoon staff (that would be me + others) sitting around talking. This is not how we want to present ourselves to parents, and is NOT what we are paid for." Basically, my boss was saying get up off your ass and play with the kids. Now, to be completely honest I really do feel that I put in a large effort to entertain the kids. In case you haven't noticed by past blogs, I've had some rather interesting experiences at work. But when I read this my first thought was "do I play with them enough??" and so by cause and effect, I played hardcore with the kids on tuesday when we went out to the playground. Literally, my legs were sore the next day because I had played tag for 80 minutes straight. So when we went inside at 5.30 on tuesday I checked my mailbox to get my own personal memo (I had read a co-workers rather than mine earlier). When I picked it up there was a note written on the bottom; "This, dear Laura, does NOT apply to you." Im da shit yea, Im da shit. So, turns out I DO play with the kids enough and my boss loves me for it. However, nothing has changed, the same people who sit in the shade until 5.30 are still sitting in the shade, while me and 2 other teens are constantly running up and down the stairs to take kids to the potty.
I admit, its ridiculous but my boss doesn't really have the stamina to straight out accuse the lazy people.
Today I played in the sand box. I made a pretty beefy sand castle with one of the two year olds, Courtney. But everytime we would make it this little boy, Jack (aka the hell raiser) would come over about a minute later and destroy it. It took my best efforts to distract him that finally allowed it to stay up for maybe 3 and a half minutes. None the less, by the end of the day Jack and I were bunkered down in the sand making "blueberry mac and cheese" and "green bagels with strawberry yogurt". Delicious, I know.

On a topic completely different than work, I got home today and prompted my sister to do a photo shoot. Once I edit them and figure out which ones I like I'll post some. Hah, I know I always say I'll post pictures and never really do, but I really will try to remember this time x] We had a really great time. I wanted to capture water falling out of a mug for some effect in the picture. Everytime my sister would dump the mug out all the water would splash all over me. And in order to get the picture I would have to count to three and she would drop the water on three. So by the end my counting sounded like "okay, ONE, TWO, ahhhhhhhh *covered in water*"
By the time we were done getting soaked we decided burritos were in order and had to make a pajama dressed run to the nearest grocery store to buy tortillas. Came home and ate the necessary dosage of refried beans and other delicious food. After that we played some hardcore Dance Dance Revolution. And now I am pooped and gave up trying to write my senior english paper. screw it.

Meal of the day: Burritos with vanilla yogurt for dessert
Song of the day: Quiet Mind by Blue October

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Art Show and Chocolate Giants

Well, I thought about my blog today, and realized that about 2 weeks ago I had challenged myself to not watch TV for a week. Its pretty obvious that I failed at that challenge, seeing as I'm not writing " I DID IT!" all over this screen. So it is harder than I thought, especially since my boyfriend quite enjoys his cable TV (which I don't have by the way) and is watching it nearly every time I go over. Not that I especially care, after a long day, watching the television (or "boob tube" as my mom calls it) is the perfect way to relax since filling up a bathtub full of water generally takes too long and is a complete waste of water.
So I failed at yet another thing. Oh well. I'm not to worried about it, I have plenty of time to not watch TV during the day. I'm also failing at Calculus...which by the way, I hate. I hate math. hate hate hate. I know that hate is a strong word, but in this case its weak. Who honestly needs to know how to find the derivative of some baloney equation that is never going to pop up again in life. Especially when that "who" is planning on being an art major. Screw Calculus.
So, I'm planning on being an art major (at least at the moment), more specifically Graphic Design...which brings me to the Art show my school is doing. Since I am in the National Art Honor Society we have to submit at least two pieces to go into the auction that will be given out to some lucky parent who got bothered enough to pay for a $15 ticket in which you get some crappy piece of art back. So, while I am still working on one of those two pieces I am also thinking about getting my own "wall". On your wall you can show case pretty much anything you've done as far as art goes. I'm a bit flustered with gathering all these photos together and water coloring for the auction. I haven't been artistically motivated this year (don't ask me why, I don't know.) But it's rather annoying because all of my other friends who are getting walls have all their stuff planned and ready to mount, where as I am thinking "what the hell do I want to show all these people?!"
Anyway, I graduate in 3 ish months so I'm finding it very hard to care about school right now. (the weather is also being amazingly awesome which adds onto the bad concentration during school factor.) Weather--that reminds me. One of the dads at the preschool told me today that the farmer's almanac is for-telling another 30 inches of snow on the 15th. I know, "farmer's almanac! HAH your crazy for believing that old stuff" that is completely how I reacted, at least until the dad went "Why not? They predicted all the other snow before it happened too." Thats when I thought "well....fuck." I honestly can not handle ANOTHER 30 freaking inches of snow....*crosses fingers*

Chocolate Giant- reference to Miracle at St.Anna which came to mind whilst watching American Idol. I don't feel like elaborating just yet, my back is kinda hurting. =]

Write again soon.

Meal of the day: Salad with cashews, sunflower seeds, tofu, grape tomato and dressing
Song of the day: Slow Cheetah by Red Hot Chili Peppers

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Gum balls, grapes and pornos

Well I had the most interesting free period at school today. After dealing with Calculus at 7.35 in the morning, and then going off to my english class to read Act 4 of Hamlet (.....Hamlet comes back to FINALLY take revenge and kill Claudius!? say whhaaaaa? Maybe he does have a set of balls after all), I went to my "enrichment" period. I guess I should kind of explain how my average school day works. 
Okay, so unlike most schools in the county that run on 7 classes-a-day schedules, each class being 40 ( I think?) minutes long, our school runs on 4 classes-a-day schedules with classes that are 80 minutes long. Since we are bunkered down to a chair for 80 minutes doing things like notes and what not, administrators decided that an hour of "enrichment" would be good. Basically you can have lunch for half and hour and then "study" for half and hour. Your allowed to sign up with teachers and what not so you don't actually have to face the brutality of entering the cafeteria and having no clue where your friends are. I was at enrichment in the art hall, with my darling friends: Phillip, Alex, Katie, Rachael, and sorta kinda friend Esli. After some serious debate that there was no way Phillip could fit gum balls in his nose I finally pursuaded him to try. Of course, there was no way Phill could fit a GUM BALL in his freakishly huge nostrils (that we have previous witness of fitting quarters in). So we proceeded to try with grapes. Wow, re-reading this makes me and my friends seem like total idiots, but in all seriousness it was something that simply had to be done. The outrageous amounts of laughter that came along with it was just a bonus. =]
To increase laughter in life all you really need to do is share your first porno experience with 5 other people and BOOM, you can't stop laughing. Well, at least when I share my first porno experience which you are all probably wondering about right now. Don't worry, I'll tell you soon.

Alice in Wonderland comes out tomorrow, should have bought tickets early cause I know they are gonna be sold out tomorrow. Oh well, there will be plenty of time to see it. Nonetheless, I'm pretty excited for that movie. How bout you?

Well prior to deciding to blog, I was talking to Matt, and prior to talking to Matt I was about to dive into watching "The Family Stone" which is a fantastic christmas time movie, SO I think I will return to my christmas movies. 

Laura's porno story coming to a blog near you.

Meal of the day: Morning Star Italian Sausage (its made of soy) with baked beans
Song of the day: Dance in the Dark by the one and only Lady Gaga

Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Imma be"....sleeping in a half an hour

Recently discovered the sneaky (in an awesome way) song Imma Be by the Black Eyed Peas, and the wicked album cover featuring a bee. That my friends is a pun. Gotta give em props. So my ghetto (for where I live) friend and I have been groovin to our jam constantly. Okay, maybe not constantly...but a lot. (Does anyone else find it odd that I just incorporated the words "ghetto" and "groovin" in the same sentence?)

So today is Sunday. I woke up at 9 to get ready for church. It was "youth sunday" which means that all the middle school/high schoolers lead the service. I had to be that person that introduces all the prayers and junk. I actually got pretty enthusiastic about it. I figured if I'm already awake at nine in the morning, standing in front of a sanctuary full of people and rockin' a new scarf, I could manage to put some effort into delivering my "Please join me in our worship with the Lord" which was read more like "Please join me in worshipping our great GOD!" Apparently everyone liked it cause people kept on coming up to me after and telling me how great of a job I did. Thank you, thank you very much. *bows*

Now that I checked that off my things to do on sunday list, I went to Matt's house where we were supposed to watch my recently bought [from goodwill for two bucks!] movie, Richie Rich. Mmmhm. Richie Rich, the kid with a McDonald's in his mansion. Well, I didn't end up checking that one off because we got preoccupied with were we watching?

After Matt's I came back home and made teriyaki tofu!! It was drool worthy. Well, to be honest, it could have used another 8 hours of marinating but I had no patience and was quite hungry so I waited the minimum of an hour. I also enjoyed a delicious florida orange that I jacked from my best friend, (don't worry, they were aware of the stealing.) I've been kind of spoiled with clementines which are generally when I ate the florida orange I couldn't help but wish it didn't have seeds. I hate when grapes have seeds....the only fruit that is delicious with seeds is strawberries. Did you know that on average a strawberry has 200 seeds?? Pretty crazy. 

Meal of the day: Bowl of cheerios with strawberries
Song of the day: Imma be by the Black Eyed Peas

Saturday, February 20, 2010

OWC and crazy drivers

Last night I had delicious fun. After waiting 15 minutes for Matt at a Rutters (gas station) in the middle of nowhere, we rumbled our way to his friend Jerry's. Where I not only played the game "Bottles" (ever heard of it?) but also "President" (aka Asshole) AND this new one I learned called "Thumper". Great fun. We left around 1.30 cause I had to drop Matt back off at his place and then head home myself. Got home around 2.15 am, couldn't fall asleep from guilt, so I watched Titanic. When I say I "watched" it, I mean I fast-forwarded to my favorite part of the movie which is when Rose and Jack go down into the 3rd class party and dance to crazy irish music. I'm pretty sure that after that I fell asleep, but I was woken at 4.30 am by a phone call. Who calls someone at 4.30 in the morning? Tom. Thats who.

I remember picking up and him going "wow you actually answered. I wasn't expecting you to answer...." me: "whats up tommy? how was your night?" him: "great fun. Ummm...I just wanted to call you, I was going to leave you a hilarious voicemail, but now that you've answered....I guess I can't do that." me: " can't as I am listening to you right now." him: "yes....well...goodnight laura, I love you and I miss you" me: "night tommy, love ya too, see you tomorrow on our adventure into baltimore." him: "yup....night"

For a conversation at 4.30 in the morning, after we had both had quite a night of *cough* fun I think it was pretty damn eventful. 

So, the next morning I woke up at 11.32 (slept in-ish!) and went downstairs for some breakfast....saw we only had about half a cup of cheerios, gasped, and had to mix it with another type of cereal. Of course, after doing so and adding milk, mumsy dear came in and unearthed an entirely new box of cheerios! Ah well, that was just one of those moments where you go "crap happens" and move on. So I did.
I moved on up to my room, it became 1.30, Matt called asked what I was doing and when my response was "going to baltimore for some food with tom and alex" he went "how ya getting there?" I picked up on the cue and invited him along as well. With tommy's mom's van we all wheeled our way up to One World Cafe in B'more. (OWC, by the way, is da shiz niz! It's this vegetarian/vegan cafe near JHU that serves scrumptious food that's incredibly healthy and makes you feel amazing." It was quite an interesting drive seeing as the snow on the streets usually covered half of one side, thus resulting in crazy drivers driving crazily. Nonetheless, we made it home safe and sound and I have half a wrap to eat tomorrow.

Anyway, really fun day. Tomorrow shall be eventful as well =] Hope everyone is doing fantastically.

Meal of the day: OWC wrap (sprouts, pesto sauce, tomato, lettuce, guacamole,              secret ingredient)
Song of the day: Fuck you by Lily Allen

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

Woke up this morning. Waited for Matt to call in a most uneventful way. By that I mean, I layed in bed until I decided he must be awake and just forgot to call. Then deciding to be stubborn, I made a resolution not to call him. My friend Katie (aka Stretts) had proposed the idea of chillin' the night before, so I took matters into my hands and gave her a ring.
"Hell yah, lets hang out. Wanna watch Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs?"

So as we settled down in her freezing basement to watch a movie geared toward 8 year olds I found myself realizing how much I watch movies and TV. Also how much I'm really getting sick of it.

I would like to challenge myself to not watching TV for a week. *gasp*
I know. Insanity! But why the hell not?! I'm pretty sure I can live without watching the newest Simpson's episode and engulf myself in the works of David Sedaris or the amazing photojournalist Dan Eldon (who, by the way, has become one of my idols). OR can I?

Just take it a day at a time Laura, day at a time.

On a different topic, after watching Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and thoroughly enjoying the wit of Flint, I went to work (for the first time in a week and 2 days!) got incredibly bored with myself and made a list of all the things I want to do this summer. Hopefully I'll be able to slowly check them off as the time goes by.

I can't WAIT for the summer. I have some mega plans in the making, and I demand they go into action starting on the first 75 degree day.

My dad knocked on my door about 15 minutes ago. "You got a minute?" Of course I had a minute for my darling father. When he entered Che de Laura we sat on my bed and he proceed to thank me for the charming Valentines day card I had made him. But he also told me to basically follow my heart and realize that there are "people in this world who just can't understand that you aren't meant for the mainstream and that making 401 K is just not for you". My dad is an amazing man, and I know he believes in me more than anyone else on this earth. At the same time I don't talk to him as much as we used to when I was, say, 8? We used to read the Lorax and then pray for the people of Cuba together. We had a binder of poetry that we used to share once a week. We'd write a new famous work and then read it too each other. Going back and reading it now I realize how much my daddy loves me (awe) and how good he is at expressing his opinion in so many different ways. All in all, I plan to not plan my future and just got with what the hell ever happens to me. And I think that sounds like a pretty damn good plan.

I've started a "life book" or "altered book" however you want to call it. I might post some pictures of its "inners" sometime soon.

Meal of the day: Veggie Burger with an apple
Song of the day: Kisses and Cake by John Powell

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The "Hallmark" Holiday

WELL happy valentines day to everyone. It's only 11.27 in the morning, but none the less I'm sure people are already getting ready to have amazing dinners, great conversations, and enjoying brilliant love-able company.
Obviously, this isn't so much true for me at the moment. Really I'm just sitting in my room...obviously writing (and of course jamming to romance ballads). And apparently having a tough time at writing since every other word is being marked by the ominous red dotted line that indicts mis-spelling. I'm not worried though because I could care much less about writing errors right now. 

Want to know why?

Matt doesn't really view Valentines day as an actual holiday. Which I can understand, I mean think about all the big bucks corporate companies like Hallmark, Hershey, and whoever makes those little sweet hearts, make on Valentines day. They do indeed probably rake in enough money to feed a third world country for a month. From this point of view, I don't really need to look any different than any other day, or say anything different, or act any different, but none the less I still feel that Valentines has some meaning. 
Think about all the serendipity moments happening today! I'm sure some romance is in the air and that at least one couple will find each other and live happily ever after. And don't bother with telling me that I'm just being ridiculous and that love happens every day in amazing ways. It does, and I know that. But something about Valentines day just gets everyone in a lovely mood, and you can't help but smile at the husband you see walking down the street caring roses, or the girl smiling as she holds her boyfriends hand. It makes you happy. And that is at least one reason to have an amazing day, whether it be Valentines day or not.

So since this is only my second Valentines day whilst having a "significant other" I am going to dress up, smell good, and go out and have a happy "hallmark" holiday. 

I hope your is amazing too darling!!

Meal of the day: Anything, of course candle light is mandatory.
Song of the day: Why Can't I by Liz Phair (yes....the classic chick song)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

would you like a snack with that?

Today I had a great experience, I met the most amazing cashier ever in my entire life.
I can't remember his name, but he gave me coffee with the most cheer anyone could possibly manage to have.
"Hello! How are you!?!" I almost looked behind me because the way he said it was as if I had known him for 6 years and hadn't seen him in 3 months. 
Im good! How are you?!
"Fantastic. I'm having a great day back here *grin* What can I get you?"
Ermmm hm...just a regular coffee please *grin back*
"Would you like our regular blend or our organic?"
HE JUST SAID ORGANIC COFFEE was all that ran through my mind, and my face must have lit up because i went Organic!!!! and he went
"Good choice! *goes to make laura's coffee*
when he came back he looked me straight in the eyes and went "Would you like a snack with that? A blueberry muffin? Scone?"
Now honestly, I am TRYING to diet dearies. My will power must have been off the charts because I went No thanks even though I realized he just made me very hungry.

When my sister and I walked away afterwords I went Don't you just want one of him to keep in your purse so that you can whip it out when your in a shitty mood? Like Morph in Treasure Planet but coffee man style? and she went
"I'll take three."
NOW, this has all brought me to the conclusion that becoming a cafe cashier is my teenage dream and I must fulfill it. I really want to spread cheer like this guy did! Honestly he was the bomb diggity. I'm going to have to go buy organic coffee from boarders more often now.

Meal of the day: Homemade pizza (with black olives and green peppers)
Song of the day: Love you Till the End by The Progues

Monday, February 1, 2010

heart shaped bruises..or just the regular ones.

Somehow I have managed to get a bruise on the top of my foot. How? I really don't know. I seem to bruise really easily. When I got back from trucking around NYC for a day I woke up with about 4 quarter sized bruises placed spontaneously around my body. When Beka, my sister, asked me what the hell I did, all I could say was "I have a bruise?"
I got back from work today, went to get into some jim-jams (aka pajamas) and found a bruise about 3 centimeters up from my belly button. honestly? My belly button?  I would like an answer, yet at the same time, making up crazy stories of how they might have gotten there is much more interesting. For example:
Random Person: "Laura, how on earth did you get a bruise on your belly button??!?"
Me: "You didn't hear about the influx of jellyfish inhabiting the Baltimore Aquarium!?"
Random Person: "influx?...of jellyfish?"
Me: "Yeah, wow I'm surprised you didn't hear! It was all over the front page of the Sun                 [newspaper]! Yeah, 'Jellyfish Break Through Glass in Aquarium and Attack 
Innocent' Huge story....I was one of the innocent."
Random Person: "You innocent? Damn, your a bad liar."

Now I remember why I didn't pursue writing.

Meal of the day: Tomato Soup with Basil
Song of the day: Toothpaste Kisses by The Maccabees

Sunday, January 31, 2010

From Cuba to Miami to Baltimore, and back again

My dad gets back from cuba tonight...well actually from miami since he has to fly to miami from cuba and then into baltimore. His flight gets in at 1.20 AM. In the morning.....thats 5 hours before I am usually sitting in the school parking lot. That means that, if I go, I will be getting home at 2.20. Which means that I can sleep for 3.40 hours.
We start a new semester tomorrow, which means new classes, which means that IF I go to the airport with my darling mumsy to pick up my darling father I will be running on three hours of sleep and having to deal with new teachers.
I can't decide on if I want to go or not.....If I don't go, I wont see my dad until tomorrow night. I absolutely love going to airports, but I'm not quite sure I would love to go at 1.20 in the morning. You have to understand, that I quite enjoy sleeping.

Well, what I really love is dreaming. If dreaming was a sport I would be in the Olympics. Wow, how amazing would that be?! To have a sport where you just get to sleep and dream. I have crazy dreams, and I love them.
I asked some people once if they thought dreams meant anything, the general consensus was "no." But I just can not bring myself to believe that you would dream of something relevant to your life and have it mean absolutely nothing. HOW could you dream about an ex, run into them the next day and say "oh, it means nothing that I had this dream about you last night." No sir, it definitely means something. It means your subconscious is at work and thats its trying to tell you something dammit! So honestly dear bloggers, should you have a dream about a rabbit thats "late, very late" and running about with a pocket watch, please please take it seriously, and do not follow him into the rabbit hole.

Wow, what an interesting conversation that was. How on earth I got from Cuba to dreams is just a little baffling.

So today I woke up at 10.28 to the sound of my cell going off. *answers phone* "helloooo???" "Hey dude, I have a huge favor I need to ask of you..", "i just woke what?" "i need help moving my horse" "YOUR HORSE. fuck." 30 minutes later I'm standing outside in jeans and a hoodie waiting for my friend to pick me up so I can go and "help" her move her horse. An hour later and we are sitting in her car waiting for the trailer driver to show up. Another hour passes and we are digging about in her room for some horse legal papers that basically say her horse doesn't have some killer disease. Another hour later and my friend is now being hung upside down by "Julius", a half puerto rican half german guy who is about 3 times my size. Ask me how this happen? no idea. Nonetheless, here is my friend hanging upside down laughing hysterically, her horse learning the new boundaries of the electrical fence, and me kicking snow. Quite an interesting day. I must say I don't normally wake up with the hopes of carrying horse stuff from the barn to the jeep and back to a new barn, BUT I rather enjoyed myself.

Meal of the day: Chicken Pot Pie (just cause the crust tastes SO good)
Song of the day: Untouched and Intact by Honorary Title

Saturday, January 30, 2010

My own wee little island

I was talking to my friend the other day about what we would do if we had a whole island to ourselves and what we would do with it.

AN ISLAND. that leads to countless possibilities, like having tiki tiki parties, singing Yo Ho and bottle of rum around a fire pit, and making shacks out of logs. After deciding, it would be essential to be billionaires to own our own island we thought, why we are at it let throw in a water park! I don't know if anyone reading this has been to Hershey Park in PA, BUT they have the most fun water playground thingy. Its 4 stories, filled with HUGE buckets that drop gallons of water on people, sprinklers, water slides (loveee water slidesss), and hoses that extend so you can spray people. Add all of this plus some teenagers, college frats and wa-bam: great time. With a water park, and an ocean near by might as well have a couple of boats. Mainly for two reasons; 1. You could sing "Im on a boat" by lonely planet till the sun rises 2. You'd be on a boat, there's nothing awesomer than partying on a boat.

Okay I lied, there are lots of more "awesomer" things than partying on boats. But it scores pretty high up there.

what would YOU do with an island? That my question. I'm still thinking of things....

Its snowing...again. I just want some sunshine =[ The snow's sposed to last till late tonight which basically means i'm snowed in....which means I will probably clean my room at some point in time. I don't especially like cleaning my room, but when you are stuck in your house with nothing else to your room always seems to prevail. I need some more creative ideas. Any ideas?

I'll probably blog again today =]]